Kludge - Grow 005 - 4x Bag Seed: FIM, Pinch HST


Well-Known Member
Grow Info
These are my last bag seeds. From now on I'm only growing good weed from strong genetics. But these are doing really, really well.

Lights: Homemade 316W CFL 21,000 Lumen - 18/6
Nutes: Bontanicare Pro Blend Pro Grow

Lights: HTGS 400W HPS 50,000 Lumen - 12/12
Nutes: Bontanicare Pro Blend Pro Bloom
......... Grotek Monster Bloom - Used at weeks 2, 4, and 6 - 1/2 strength.
......... Molasses - Used once a week after 4th week of flower, 1 tbsp per gallon

Techniques or training
Most were topped at about 3 weeks of veg, right as they were put under 12/12. They were put in flower a little too soon but the veg light was needed for more important seeds. There was one that was very Indica, big fat leaves, so I didn't top it at all.

In addition I did a LOT of pinch training. This is considered High Stress Training (HST) so CAN SLOW OR STUNT PLANT GROWTH and I have in the past. You have to learn how much to do and what you can get away with. I've killed a few plants pushing the limits so don't be afraid to do the same yourself. That's what bag seeds are for. On these plants I've had no problems because I'm learning how to do it properly.

Pinch training works like building muscles. By slightly damaging the branches the plant strengthens the damaged area, increasing the amount of xylem, which in turn increases the amount of nutrients that can flow through the area and increasing the amount of weight the limb can carry! So you are increasing the size of your buds and strengthening the limb so it can carry that weight.

I have also done some pruning and I'm learning what will and won't grow so I have a pretty good idea of what I can prune and what I can leave.


2nd Week of flower:

4th week of flower

As you can see they have really good spacing:

Here's the single stalk plant, no off shoots allowed. I trimmed every thing except the fan leaves near the bottom 1/3 of the plant.

This one is the exact opposite of the single stalk plant. This one has lots of healthy off shoots.
I pruned any branches that didn't look strong enough but the pinch training made it so I didn't have to do too much of that.


Well-Known Member
Well, they are doing amazing, really doing well.

I just swapped the 400W out for a 600W, they should grow like crazy now.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words guys.

I'm going to upgrade the other 400W I'm using next month and add a proper cooling system for the lights so I can get them closer to the plants.


Well-Known Member
yea , wen i ordered my other lite today iwent ahead and ordered the c.a.p.s. value line 6" vortex fan, 110.00.i am going to just run one tube of cooling tube from the lite to the fan , wich will be installed at the entrance of the attic, ,and just cool with the air in the growroom , i try to keep it as basic as possible.did you order the v. kush. kush plants are my specialty


Well-Known Member
...did you order the v. kush. kush plants are my specialty
Yep, just replied somewhere else. I also got the G13 x Haze. I can not fucking WAIT till the get here... then wait another 3/4 months for them to grow... then another month for them to dry and cure... fuck


Well-Known Member
I too have been doin a little pinch experimenting lately.

You see just above those buds the bulge in the stem where i pinched?

The plant has been harvested now but that bulge was strong as fuck.



Well-Known Member
That was an experiment with one of my small church clones to see how much abuse the stem could take, i pinched fairly hard till it squished and secreted liquid then wobbled the stem from the bottom till it was bent over at 90 degrees to the stem at the pinch then walked away and left it, two days and it was standing straight again damage more or less healed!


Well-Known Member
That was an experiment with one of my small church clones to see how much abuse the stem could take, i pinched fairly hard till it squished and secreted liquid then wobbled the stem from the bottom till it was bent over at 90 degrees to the stem at the pinch then walked away and left it, two days and it was standing straight again damage more or less healed!
Ah, I did that same thing. I only killed one plant doing it but I really abused the shit out of that one.


Well-Known Member
i just pluck the top out at 12" keep four of the strongest branches . i never did like the idea of bending the top/


Well-Known Member
Its not something id do on a regular basis, just i was bored watching my plants grow one evening and i thought, i wonder.........? Then the abuse started :lol:

I did notice an increase in bud size below the damage tho so it did bulk up the popcorn shit a bit.


Well-Known Member
Well here are some fresh shots. I am LOVING this 600W HPS upgrade.

This single cola plant is going to be sick.

This plant is vying for top bud producer. It's thick with bud sites.

And the back two. The one on the left is a little too spider-leggy for my tastes, takes up too much room. In the future I'll just chop those so I can keep the plants tighter.



Well-Known Member
600 is the only way to go, even cash croppers use 600 because 1000 watters put out way to much heat.i ordered e another one kludge, wen i get this garage set up i'll send ya a pic .they will increase your yield amazinglly, if your using air cooled lites and have the bottom 10 inches from the plant and keep 75 F, bak up and watch those babies swell, rok hard buds .great llooking grow and grow room i like it. keep it up buddy.:clap:


Well-Known Member
Looking nice Kludge, how far into 12/12 are you now?

Raiderman are they your plants in your avatar? theyre some nice looking colas man......