Kludge - Grow 005 - 4x Bag Seed: FIM, Pinch HST


Well-Known Member
Well, 3 of these are harvested. I'm letting the littlest one live till this weekend then I'm chopping it too.

So, for wet weight I have 98g, 140g, and 152g. I expect the smaller one to be about 90g wet. I've been getting well over 20% dried so figuring at that percentage should give me about 3 oz dried. Well under the 4 oz I had hoped for but a valuable lesson in pot sizes. Of course if I get the higher side of 25% I'll have my 4oz...

These were horribly hampered by the too small pots I had them in. Next time even if I don't plan on vegging any more I'll put my plants in 3 gallon pots minimum.

These do look like they are just covered in trichomes so I'm hoping they smoke as good as they look.