knot or tip side up?


obviously i am new to this. long time user now its time to start my personal. do you place the tip of the seed up or the knot side up?


Well-Known Member
doesnt really mater , it will find it's way.. but it's always better to germinate it in a paper towel and then place it in soil..


doesnt really mater , it will find it's way.. but it's always better to germinate it in a paper towel and then place it in soil..
i tried the paper towel method and it failed miserably. haha i think i drown my little babies! i just went with a germing farm with humidity dome and pellots. they are looking super healthy right now and have rooted. just making sure that nature will take its course and turn the seed to be effective. it just amazes meat the fact that a little seed has so much knowledge to flip it the way its supposed to be to grow