Kottonmouth's Multi Strain Outdoor Grow

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
we all gota make sure were makin it to bkbs thread to so we dont burn him out!! lmao! your the go2 guy bk!! anyone can ask away here! this is for everyone! were all friends here! i got cupl chemdawg clones comin along verrrrry nicely,i dont need them,whats out there & near me to trade? ahhh shoot-maybe i should just keepem.lol


Well-Known Member
we all gota make sure were makin it to bkbs thread to so we dont burn him out!! lmao! your the go2 guy bk!! anyone can ask away here! this is for everyone! were all friends here! i got cupl chemdawg clones comin along verrrrry nicely,i dont need them,whats out there & near me to trade? ahhh shoot-maybe i should just keepem.lol
I would take them if I could but damn you got your hands full......I need to really start saving now so I can come do some trim work with ya!!!!



Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
question - have you grown out the pineapple thai before? If so, what's it's like? I have access to this strain but have never tried it.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
question - have you grown out the pineapple thai before? If so, what's it's like? I have access to this strain but have never tried it.
hey man! no havnt.it smells fantastic,its very tall.she'd be 7 ft atleast had i not broke her.ill let you know few months! so far,id grow it again.angryblackman has talked about it.he may have some knowldge of the strain dan.

Lovin the 4th avatar!! Plants looking awesome bro
thanx brothr man! ill switch back to my garden tomorrow night.


Well-Known Member
I get a kick out of your thread cause I do look at the very 1st post you got in here with the pics of all your plants as babies....LOL Now they are monsters and soon you will feel like Japan when you get invaded by all your Budzillas!!!!!
Your chernobyl is so fucking sweet and will be a monster once its in full veg force!!!! I am very happy to see her growing veg leaves!

Have a safe one bro and blaze your ass off today!!




Active Member
Went to Lowes and got the Alaskan Fish Ferts.... picked up a pool PH kit at Walmart... I couldn't find one other than that one to save my life at lowes or at walmart. It has a tester for chlorine and ph ...... the big question is..... how do I rais or lower the PH..... and ideas KMK? Gonna take some pics tonight and update again... come check me out.

Your garden is forever beautiful and top notch.

Keep em growing strong bro !!!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
hick life!!!


(although around here it'd be more like "bible-thumping life"....)
oooooooooooooooooooh god! hahahahha j/k! wanna know sumthin kinda funny?my whole fam.is fuking jehova witness! yep! its probly my fam knockin ur doors down and givin ya watch towers lady!!! hahahaha thank u for sliding yourself thru my thread mellokitty!!!yal come back now! ya hear?!!!


Moderatrix of Journals
omg sooooo funny, because i was *going to put "bible thumping jdub life" and decided not to so as not to offend any watchtower ladies that might be riu-ing it up!!

jinx reps!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
hahaha i just tried to touch ur rep star,but it wouldnt let me. another time perhaps! my father,bro,sis&myself only ones outa very lrge family not on jehovas tip! lmao