Being in the business for a minute, I have found 3 truths. 1.) The majority of people who grow suck at it, 2.) A name is just a name. You can have the best genetics in the world from the best breeders and still produce shit weed. And yes if you call it a Kush, many people will buy it just for the name. But those are just the uneducated knuckleheads who follow pop culture and can read well. I started out as a reader and ended up a cannaseur
, and through that journey I found my last most agonizing truth, 3.) Not all weed is created equal. I have had some dank dank GDP, and some terrible GDP. I have had some dank diesel and boo boo diesel. Same strain, different growers. As you go farther and farther down the rabbit hole, you will learn what to look for in good weed, and the name won't be the first thing you look at. Look at the bud size/structure, trichomes, and aroma. This will serve you better than reading a name off of the net. Knowing your strains is good and all, but telling apart the good growers from the bad is the key. I have been tricked twice into buying shitty weed that looked good/smelled good, the other times I was very pleasantly surprised to try something I had or had never heard of and found it to be amazing. I have been mad more times than I care to count at buying some weed that had a dank well known name like diesel, kush, purple, whatever, just to get it home and find it to be crap. Buy the dank, not the name.
Kushes are great strains. They help me quite a bit with pain and PTSD also. I grow many strains including Kushes. But i've also found many Sativas or Sativa dominants that allow me to work all day help me stay alert and focused, but dull the pain and take away my anxiety. I thought originally that I liked indicas mainly, but found that the strains that helped me the most were mostly sativa dominants, and the trippier strains that I love are Sativa Dominants. Casey Jones, Diesels, TGA Strains, etc. Don't get me wrong, I keep some wicked indicas like Blue Cheese and White Lightning around to help me sleep at night, but when I don't want my motivation and will sapped from me and have shit that I need to get done, I like to go to a nice sativa.
My advice would be to find what works for you and grow it. I keep finding more and more people that I can lump into a few categories. Some like the Berry or fruit flavored dank like Blueberry, Strawberry Cough, Agent Orange, etc. Many of those people don't like Skunk or Diesel Strains. Many like the Diesel strains, but don't like berry or skunks. Some like skunks, but don't like the other two. This is just a quick generalization of what I observe. But then you get a few people who like it all. I like it all, that is if the grower has done a good job of it. Dank is Dank. Just because YOU don't like a Kush or Diesel doesn't mean that it hasn't helped millions of other people who love it. Find the strains that you like, but don't bash the ones that you don't like because it is a matter of personal opinion and preference. More often than not most people who don't like Kush or whatever haven't had a proper sample of some crazy ass Kush.