Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
I was in another forum with them and it switched url's and I lost em.Stoney and Wikid still come by and say hi.Fdd I know but it was such a awesome fuckin thread man.
it wasn't my rule. my best interest was ALWAYS with that of the site owner.

no reason why they can't come back and start a new thread. now that i'm "gone". if it was really about me to begin with. :)


Well-Known Member
hmm, fdd did make a point... wtf y'all? lol if this thread were about bashing me or my looks or my intelligence, it'd be a party......
anyway, whatever to the haters kuroi, its your perogative on what you want to post on here. as long as it doesnt go against the terms of use, fuck everyone else


Well-Known Member
It's okay MedicalMaryJane, I have a job and the whole office knows I' on here and smoke pot. My boss thinks it's great and is proud if me shunning the binge-drinking culture most other kids indulge in or play with hard drugs. I totally understand what you're saying though and I respect that. You're doing the responsible thing by reminding me not all potential employers would approve.

Don't worry Fdd, I have 5 instruments, a job in video games and a farm full of horses to have fun with too. I just like to get my kicks flashing the frillies as well *shrugs*

You are all welcome to show me your pretty things too. Morgan, you're stunning and I'd love to see you in a cute Sun dress or something in a non pervy way.

Guys, I love you but there's no need to call Fdd names or personally attack. I prefer to dislike the things people do to being bitter about the person. He's had enough abuse in the De-modification thread, which I think went just a bit too far

Thanks for the support anyway. It's party time- did someone bring any marshmallows?

The best thing ever is toasting marshmallows in your bed, totally baked. I've done I in the tent, too but that's kind of dangerous 0_o;

i REALLY like the picture you drew for me. i am somewhat of an artist myself so it's one of the things i can really appreciate. now if i could just shake off the image that it came from "that girl that's always showing the boys her panties" it might actually hold some value to me. ;)

i still do love it. thanks again for taking the time out to think about me. i really do appreciate "real people". :hug:


Well-Known Member
You got to admit........for an 18 yr old girl she has a pretty good head on her shoulders.yeah she looks great in her skimpys but from what i know of her she's a pertty smart cookie.She handled this pretty well.Most wouldn't respond the way she did.

Keep ya head up girl.May you have a long prosperous journey through life.

And no i'm not tryin to get brownie points with her either before it's brought up.


Well-Known Member
You got to admit........for an 18 yr old girl she has a pretty good head on her shoulders.yeah she looks great in her skimpys but from what i know of her she's a pertty smart cookie.She handled this pretty well.Most wouldn't respond the way she did.

Keep ya head up girl.May you have a long prosperous journey through life.

And no i'm not tryin to get brownie points with her either before it's brought up.
she looks great because she's half naked?

the pics are out of focus.
she has yet to "fill in".
the make-up is way overdone and doesn't fit her looked.
the clothes look like she works in the circus.
as a grown male adult who has had his fair share of "nice women", she is nothing beyond "plain". and i mean this with the utmost respect.

for what is being posted, it's not worth the image it portraits.

i LOVE HER for her artistic side. :hug:


Well-Known Member
lol damn thats harsh fdd, id hate to hear what you think about me

i think you're cool. you aren't in denial of who you are. you know what you do and you're ok with it. you aren't hurting anyone i like you. :hug:

i'll pass on the pics of you in your panties. thanks though. ;)


Well-Known Member
haha id never post pics in my panties, cause i know from the boobs down i aint much to look at, but fuck it!