Lace and Frills <3


Pickle Queen
Please don't make me delete more posts, yes beansly is a fat ass and i'm a bitch, others are a combo of both, either way we all act like douche bags, suck it up and don't start shit, damn it people STOP IT ! I'm too freaking high for this crap

Beansly NO ! bad muffin :(


New Member
What happened? I thought you were proud to be a douche? What are you explaining yourself to me for? :lol:
You're a fake.

And if you're gonna be a dickhead, don't be surprised when someone gets pissed ;)
Clearly you didn't catch the "..." in the douche bag post which expressed sarcasm.
Which only proves that this argument is pointless.

But since you're clearly a little baby and can't let things go, I'll be the bigger person and walk away.

Aren't you a mod? They really should reconsider who they give those positions to.


RIU Bulldog
Please don't make me delete more posts, yes beansly is a fat ass and i'm a bitch, others are a combo of both, either way we all act like douche bags, suck it up and don't start shit, damn it people STOP IT ! I'm too freaking high for this crap

Beansly NO ! bad muffin :(
sorry. chilled. :mrgreen:


Pickle Queen
sorry. chilled. :mrgreen:
Thanks luv, i soo thought u guys were teasing each other and had to read a few pages 3 times to get what happened, i think u took some comments the wrong way man, just sayin i know ur always talking about how u need to keep others in line, so i'll be in charge of checking u since i'm female an not capable of any wrong doing ;) lmfao


New Member
Lace..d (digitally painted)

I'm on the search for girl lace and frills digital paintings, I think every google image containing lace has been done already.


RIU Bulldog
Thanks luv, i soo thought u guys were teasing each other and had to read a few pages 3 times to get what happened, i think u took some comments the wrong way man, just sayin i know ur always talking about how u need to keep others in line, so i'll be in charge of checking u since i'm female an not capable of any wrong doing ;) lmfao
Lol That's probably good. I need a little female perspective bitch slapping every now and then.
Idk man, If I'm not allowed to say someone is acting like a homo because it pisses of gay people, then it should be the same for everyone, i.e. calling fat people lazy slobs lol.
It's koo tho. I'm gonna try not to trip like cool whip.

Brick Top

New Member
Aren't you a mod? They really should reconsider who they give those positions to.

Since being a member here I have noticed that 'a few slight errors' have been made from time to time in who has been chosen to be a mod. I most certainly am NOT saying all those chosen over the years, or any in particular, have been less that fit for the position. But there have been enough that it has caused a good deal of friction and resentment and it has increased problems rather than reduced them, some have made things worse rather than better, some have become part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

Right now there is a too many cooks spoiling the soup situation. A short time back I had an experience with three mods who all had a problem with how I posted something. When I asked what the actual problem was, what was unacceptable, I was given three totally different explanations, and when I say totally different I mean it as in when one would say 'this is what was unacceptable....' the next said that very same thing was totally acceptable, but 'this is what was unacceptable.....' and then the next said those two things were totally Kool and the Gang, but 'this is what was unacceptable.....'

So, in the end how I posted was deemed to be both perfectly acceptable and also unacceptable at the exact same time according to three people here given the right to make the calls.

I won't even get into how some mods toll members like mad, and if it is mentioned, their response is that they were off duty and not in their mod roll at the time, so at the time they were only acting as members and nothing more, or as one said, the forum he was trolling in was not his forum to mod, which evidently was meant to say that made it perfectly acceptable for them to muck up some other mods forum by trolling.


RIU Bulldog
We all have egos and different perspectives of life, but I'd say 95% of the time that people are getting the treatment they deserve. Assholes get treated like asshole. Trolls are heckled until they leave or go away for the day and the ones who don't get the picture get banned for a week or so.


RIU Bulldog
If you mean by mods, than you do not have any more clue what it takes to be a good mod than a number of mods here have.
Or maybe I just haven't had the experiences with the mods you have? Anyways what does that have to do with my abilities? You're just upset because you're not a mod it seems like since you've going on about for at least the year or so that I've been here.

There's the pat on the back you seem to want so badly.

Yeah I mean by the mods. There a few people that make us look bad I admit that, but most are good at what they do.


New Member
I couldn't find any lace or frills, maybe those are hard to do in photoshop. I did see this picture though, I love the use of colors.



Well-Known Member
I have never had a problem with a mod they have always helped me !!! This site has been awesome !! It has been my own fault that I shared personal info with 2 people and it back fired and now I am gonna deal with it so ya, all I really ever tried to do was warn other people about this guy hahahahaha!!!! but Karma does have ways I guess !


Well-Known Member
To my knowledge, the mods here aren't paid. Imagine babysitting 50 screaming kids at a time. For free. And having some moose knuckle bitch because you had to cuff his kid. Don't be the moose knuckle.

-a fan