Lace and Frills <3

Brick Top

New Member
Or maybe I just haven't had the experiences with the mods you have? Anyways what does that have to do with my abilities? You're just upset because you're not a mod it seems like since you've going on about for at least the year or so that I've been here.


I was offered a mod position here roughly a year ago last Nov. First I said yes, then I changed my mind and said no, then yes again and then no again and stuck with it. After being banned and allowed back I was again offered a mod position and I said no thanks.

The reason I know what a good mod is and what a bad mod is, is because I have been one more than once and I have seen what works well and what makes things worse.

It takes FAR more than being given the position to be able to do it well and to not end up part of the problem and make things worse instead of better. Not everyone is cut out to be a mod. They do not have the mindset for it and the aptitude for it.

A good mod never does the things that a good number of mods here do regularly.


Well-Known Member
I don't think theres a particular mindset or aptitude for being a mod, it's not the SAS, however i'd settle for someone who can actually witness drama and not take part in it. There's been plenty of instances in this thread alone which show who's up for it and who's not, maybe they should give certain people *silent* mod positions where they remove their right to comment, like a sleeping partner - that'd certainly appeal to me :-)


Pickle Queen
I don't think theres a particular mindset or aptitude for being a mod, it's not the SAS, however i'd settle for someone who can actually witness drama and not take part in it. There's been plenty of instances in this thread alone which show who's up for it and who's not, maybe they should give certain people *silent* mod positions where they remove their right to comment, like a sleeping partner - that'd certainly appeal to me :-)
So easy to say when ur NOT a mod, people don't want a silent mod because they need someone to blame or insult ;) I for one have no issue explaining why i removed a post or closed a thread, a silent mod would offer no answers ;) Being a mod is not all sunshine and rainbows, most people dislike mods for no reason, just sayin try walking in our shoes b4 to generalize dozens of personalities into one catagorie ;)


Well-Known Member
I think everyone should be allowed to say what they want hahahha just know they can be judged for it........................I am allowed to press the like button........cause I dreamed of nights when my ex-partner would be silent hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brick Top

New Member
So easy to say when ur NOT a mod,

Do you think that Terry Bradshaw is qualified to comment on current quarterbacks, or Wayne Gretzky is qualified to comment on current hockey players?

You don't have to currently be something to be able to comment on it when you have had enough experience doing it in the past to know exactly what you are talking about.