Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
WTF Urca...What do you have against little people????
one of my good friends is 4'5. she has turner's syndrome. she's techinically a midget. i have no problems with midgets, i am just not politically correct. they can be wonderful people, but seriously, comparing a fat person to a midget isnt a comparison'!


Well-Known Member
I have big, solid quads, but not like THAT!

I think that amount of muscle is not very comfortable for one's face X3

I love strong abs and guns though. Too bad I have no definition whatsoever- time for more crunches!
I think you can get away with not working out.

are you serious? wow, a fat person isnt as bad as a midget. seriously.
WTF Urca...What do you have against little people????
Hahahaha that was really funny. Everyone deserves a little loving.


Well-Known Member
Veronica (my friend who is 4'5) is really pretty. she deserves love, and affection and sex. to me, she isnt like a "real" midget.
but if you take the cast of the lollypop guild, or that one family on tlc, and compare them to fat people, more people would pick a fat person.
everybody is deserving of love. but to claim that fat people are on the same level sexually as little people... thats kinda fucked up


Well-Known Member
Veronica (my friend who is 4'5) is really pretty. she deserves love, and affection and sex. to me, she isnt like a "real" midget.
but if you take the cast of the lollypop guild, or that one family on tlc, and compare them to fat people, more people would pick a fat person.
everybody is deserving of love. but to claim that fat people are on the same level sexually as little people... thats kinda fucked up

I didn't say that they didn't deserve love,they just don't deserve it from its a Boner thing my boy is spoiled and picky.