Lace and Frills <3

He's conveniently leaving quite a bit out. Actually, none of my post were deleted, the only post that were deleted were DSB's. The reason "insulting" was given, so I suggested that in that case, mine and crypts insulting post should be deleted, the response was the whole thread being deleted.

and that would be from april
delete delete delete
but if thats how they roll cant hate the game
What are you talking about crypt, I wasn't going to kill you, I was going to beat your ass like your momma should have. I'm not going to kill you over something like this. When you kill someone, they don't learn shit, there dead. I was going to teach you the lesson about being a man you missed somewhere along the lines when you grew up.

Dying was a figure of speech but quite intense for sure. Dying to mean losing much over nothing. You assume far to much in this post Raven. :)
i dont hate nobody here.................but im going to fuck with crypt........................

do what u got to do hommie
im along for the ride
seems plants grow by self and newbies dont need advice
so entertain me