Lace and Frills <3


Pickle Queen
LOL had my snack and it's time to crash, im done!! not gonna lie i kinda feel asleep an hour or so ago lol damn weed

Bonne nuit :)


Well-Known Member
Late night water wax dabs! OHHHHHHMMMMMMM1

You're kidding me! I was just thinking about you, Matt! Well, your hash actually ;) I was taking dabs of my latest batch of BHO and I thought to myself "Man, I'd love to try some of that sexy ice wax", and here you are!! Fucking bizarre!


Well-Known Member
I was expecting an english accent :P
*points below*

"I myself have never been raised with the 'Queen's English'- amongst close cousins from Florida and Canada, minded by a grandmother with a strong Trini accent after all these years and a mother with a typical south london accent. My dad speaks more 'plainly', nothing in particular is stressed or muted. Not 'posh' and not 'Innit do, bruv.' "
There isn't even such a thing as an English accent. To me, 'scousers' (liverpool folk) and those in the East End of London (that's only on the other side of my city!) make no sense at all -_-;

Glad you like the vid though. I've been focusing on piano lately so my flute has suffered alot. I may upload again after more of a warm up. Tonari no Totoro music, anyone? I was thinking of doing Path of the Wind.


Well-Known Member
OMG ur so fucking awesome!!! Ur voice is so pretty and I LUV UR ACCENT!!!! Wow Kuroi u got some skills girl!!
She sounds middle-class to me. Definitely doesn't sound like the common folk. Didn't she say that she went to a public school?


Pickle Queen
She sounds middle-class to me. Definitely doesn't sound like the common folk. Didn't she say that she went to a public school?

Not sure what kind of school she has attended, she is well eduacted, but she did mention that her school was featured in a movie, something about the piano? she seems like she was given a similar education as I , but i could be wrong. I was in a private school, uniforms and small classes, more a school that focused on education over sports and shit , either way i would love to hang out and just listen to her talk :)


Pickle Queen
Shh you enjoyed reading that

well I am laying flat on my bed yes in a way. It was sort of rubbing more against my belly button and shirt though.
How tall are u? just doing a few mental calculations ;) LOL reminds me of a friend who was making out with this guy (she was drunk) next thing i knew she was asking him" what's that" while poking at his waistband ;) rflmao

Matt Rize

classic! lolz. I didn't know that middle class had a sound. private schools for the win, they don't call the cops as quickly as public schools...


Well-Known Member
Actually I grew up in the Ghettoooooo lol

She sounds middle-class to me. Definitely doesn't sound like the common folk. Didn't she say that she went to a public school?
Yeah, I went to an upper class high school where the kids had more money than sense... I had a bursary and scholarship so didn't pay a penny. I wish I didn't go though,, because the standard of teaching was no better and it was full of dumbass kids with rich parents.

Middle class? The type that own two cars? I wish lol


Pickle Queen
Actually I grew up in the Ghettoooooo lol

Yeah, I went to an upper class high school where the kids had more money than sense... I had a bursary and scholarship so didn't pay a penny. I wish I didn't go though,, because the standard of teaching was no better and it was full of dumbass kids with rich parents.

Middle class? The type that own two cars? I wish lol
Aww kuroi most families in my area have more vehicles then family members lol (it's a canuck thing)
I dunno the guys seem to need to own multiple trucks, and even cars, we have 2 cars and 3 trucks in my home and were far below middle class, ha in a few months i will skip a few classes and giggle as my bank account keeps growing muhahahahaha maybe a trip to London might be in order next year ;)
Ya my mom and step dad are well off but i prefer to not live off my parents money, i don't like feeling like i owe anyone anything ;) Yes my education was paid for but only because i lost my father at a young age.
Actualy kuroi most people that live in the city (Toronto) don't own cars, they uses the subway and GO train , vehicles only reflect ur status if u allow it ;)