Lace and Frills <3

And finally, my boudoir photos turned out so cute!! And they weren't even that risque! So I was very pleased with that! (Because, actually...I just wanted normal pictures for my portfolio I had to have for class...annnnd....I did not know that's what she did. Because she used to just do regular know? Weddings? I was referred to her by someone that knew her because she had done her senior photos... It was all very awkward for me. And I can't use these for any kind of portfolio.) But they turned out so well! So I ordered some stuff and I should get it in a couple weeks. I'm very excited.
You had me at "boudoir photos"...

Yay - pics or it didn't happen?!?!?!!?
ooohhhh myyy gaaawwwd the Lace and Frills thread. It's been so long. I just did my preview and ordered my stuff. I won't get them back for probably another 2 weeks. But when I do i'll post a face one up lol. No nudies.
Not Naken nudes, Tastefully nude. No nips, tips, clits, dicks, balls, vagina or asshole.
Yessica is if really want to show someone ur pics feel free to send them my way - u can add thw nips n stuff all u want it wont offend me at all promise
@tip top toker how you doing bro? How's Kuroi?

All is well. I'm enjoying first year exam period while she is having a bit of a breakdown over her final year submissions. All will be well in a week or so once it's over though :) then 5 months of partying before the next term starts.

Who in the wat?

Tip top toke is with the chick that started this thread???

GET OUT!!!!!

Ha. 25 years of zero luck and i score myself a goody :) She left the forum because of the drama, i recall there being a load of shit thrown at her because one of the pics in this thread showed some scars on her arms so naturally people decided to abuse someone for having been depressed. Ah well, shit happens.

Cigarette then back to my revision!
All is well. I'm enjoying first year exam period while she is having a bit of a breakdown over her final year submissions. All will be well in a week or so once it's over though :) then 5 months of partying before the next term starts.

Ha. 25 years of zero luck and i score myself a goody :) She left the forum because of the drama, i recall there being a load of shit thrown at her because one of the pics in this thread showed some scars on her arms so naturally people decided to abuse someone for having been depressed. Ah well, shit happens.

Cigarette then back to my revision!
Tell her to come back! We can compare scars!

I used to be super emo too...
I'm pleased to hear Kuroi has done well pass on my good wishes and tell her I'm still wearing fancy pants, I smile when I think of her! One of my favorite people I have ever met online. We all have scars you just can't see them on some people, after all life is just one cut after another, some make some don't.
ttt you got to be one special person, good on you both
chill vibes your way

All is well. I'm enjoying first year exam period while she is having a bit of a breakdown over her final year submissions. All will be well in a week or so once it's over though :) then 5 months of partying before the next term starts.
I second what woodsman said, send her my good wishes too when you get the chance.