Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...

Hi, New here and just read through your whole SLH grow! Also read 8's and the 2 of you have definitely set me on the road to getting some SLH! Loving your journal and all the pics in it, I hope you can carry on with it. I've got a couple of questions as I've got a similar setup in a similar climate. What sort of min and max temps are you getting in your room (or got with the SLH)? With the outdoor temps getting so low, do you run a heater through lights off in winter and stop the exhaust fan or just leave em all running 24hrs/some combination like the 15mins an hour you mentioned you were gonna try? Maybe your inlet is drawing warmer air from in the house rather than directly from outside? Thanks for mentioning that clip on fan , gonna try that, though surprised to see you are still using a pedestal fan in your big room, isn't the clip on enough? Also what hanging height do you try and keep between those hot 1000w beasts and your plants? Love the set up and especially that hooge screen. Gotta try me a scrog:D Thanks and gl with the move! Edit: I can't see where the return lines are connected to each pot in those set up photos. Are they coming from near the top of the lower pots so that the water level is kept fairly close to the top pot? I've never tried DWC before but your set up is so clean that I think I might!

Hi there, my temps are actually pretty good... It never gets hotter in there than 29-30 degrees in the summer (I've got a portable air conditioner - a must in the hot weather) I also control it with the amount of light I have on... If it gets really hot and the air conditioner is struggling in 40 degree heat, I just switch on of the lights off and do it alternatively, so they get even amounts of light..

In the winter, I don't really worry about temp that much, I can get my lights much closer to my plants... My shed is attached to my house so I don't suffer too much in the winter... When the lights are off it gets down to about 15 degrees in there... Any colder than that and they would die...
Thanks for the reply. I spent hours reading your whole journal and really enjoyed it..loved the pics and I thought the SLH and your very own LacedRhino looked as gorgeous as any plants I've ever seen...tempting me to order some sort of rhino(heard it has great medical properties) as well as the SLH :D Your new set up looks great, I love your your hybrid DWC layout! Where do you keep the water level in the lower bucket, do you have the return lines quite high up on them so the level isn't far below your top bucket? Did you manage to keep your exhaust on most of the time during lights off through the SLH grow? I thought you'd have to keep your 2x1000w's well over 60cm above the plant you get em closer than that then? Thanks again! Edit: Everytime I post, my paragraphs get lumped together as a single wall of text, might have to ask an admin for help!
Hi guys, just a quick update with pics...

The first pic is of Pamela the Blue Cheese mother that has been moved into the big tent as she was taking up too much room and I still have heaps of strains I wish to try... She's not the best yielder, so she will take a back seat... Friends still have a clone of her, so I can get her again if I need her.. She's under a 400 watt Metal Hallide as she's too tall because I'm screening the rest, so she's making do... She loves the MH...:-)


The next two pics are of my Blue Cheese screen... I've been a bit absentee with this grow, I'm lucky to poke my head in every two days... It doesn't help that its the middle of winter and its freezing in my shed, but perfect conditions inside the tents, go figure :-).... I probably could have poked them more underneath the the screen, I might get in there a do a bit tonight if the urge strikes me... I only fimmed them once, and I didn't get enough time to veg due to my impending move, so I am not as happy with them as I'd like...



I am starting PK 13-14 in two days, that will be day 28 of flowering... I will post more pics in another two weeks or so...

Laceygirl... :-)
Looking v healthy despite the lack of attention!

The plants really seem to love that form of DWC.

Hooray I seem to be able to post normally more cramped paragraph :D
G'day all Laceygirl again...

I started my week of PK13-14 last night, so I am half way there...Canna's website and bottle differ on when to use PK, but I've always used it around week 4.

I can't get over how healthy these plants are looking... I am not experiencing the usual symptons that can sometimes appear... Like claw syndrome or slight nute burn, I don't even have any brown tips on any of the leaves indicating over fertilizing.. :-) I had to raise one of the lights by two links of the chain as the heads are starting to get a little taller... I don't think I'll have to worry about too much height happening, the screen does a pretty good job of keeping them low... Its very weird to be halfway thru a grow and I've only moved the lights once during flowering... I can get so much closer to the plants this way...

I've got Laced Rhino cuttings trying to grow roots and I've decided to run this strain next... I am really excited about this grow as its the fastest Indica I have... Its a 53 day flowering period... Reminds me of a movie title, the Worlds Fastest because it flowers so quickly, I am going to veg it for at least 3 weeks to a month.... I've only grown the Laced Rhino out once, but it was the most amazing plant... I'm glad I decided to keep a cutting.. :-) The Laced Rhino mother is almost as big as the SLH mother...That's encouraging...

I will grow another one of the Indicas I have after the Laced Rhino, probably the Top 44... It has the biggest leaves I've ever seen on a plant and I'm keen to see what it can do.. Apparently its a pretty good yielder...And also a fast grower...

I'm smoking Blue Cheese at the moment and I have to say I really like it... Its not as strong as the Super Lemon Haze, but come on - what is???? Blue Cheese has a yummy smell and taste... Not much after taste which isn't a bad thing, its mellow and I find it requires a lot of spin (tobacco) otherwise I cough...

Haven't bit the bullet and purchased my V-Tower Vaporizer, I keep planning holidays and booking plane

More in about a week....

I am heading to Palm Cove in October, I'm taking my six year old snorkelling on the great barrier reef... I cannot wait....

We are looking to move to the far north of Queensland in the next couple of years... Time for a tropical sea change... I'm tired of the super cold winters with no snow, I'm tired of the kids being sick for three months out of the year, I'm tired of dusting my house because of my slow combustion wood heater... Tired of paying cash to heat the house, I'd much rather cool it...

Gonna head up there and see what available job wise, check out the schools, the community etc...

I've also booked our Family Holiday to Fiji next year for nine amazing nights on one of the islands... You can keep Fiji's mainland, the islands are the place to go...

Serenity Now... lol


G'day all Laceygirl again...:mrgreen:

Well I am half way thru my PK13-14 week.. And things are coming along swimmingly...

The first two pictures are of Pamela the Blue Cheese Mother... She's huge now... I'm kinda regretting putting her in the tent... I can take a cutting from her at any time really... I did the same thing with the Laced Rhino and she's coming along great guns...It had a head on it when I cloned it and it yeah, she turned out fine...



The next lot of pics are just of the big tent... Everything is really healthy and robust.. My shed really stinks, but not as bad as the super lemon haze...Hence why we don't grow it often...:-)

I only have four weeks until I move... I cut them down the day we move out... Good grief I am cutting it fine...:-)







I'll post more pics before I cut them down, I'll post them when I get the computer set up at the new house...


G'day all Laceygirl again, with lots of pics...

The first pics are of Pamela the Blue Cheese mother that I'm flowering... She looks so good I kinda wished I hadn't put her in the tent... I can get more clones of her if I need it...



Now here are pics of my big tent... I'm half way thru the week of PK13-14 and things are coming along swimmingly... My shed stinks, but its nowhere near as bad as the SLH... The Blue Cheese is a really pretty plant... It doesn't get very tall, and so much more so, as I'm screening it...:-)... The buds are slowly getting covered in sugar, and it has the nicest smell, it really does, not like the strong petrol smell of the SLH... Its a great smell but a bust... Only have four weeks to go, and they will be cut down the morning of the last day of my occupancy at the old house... I am cutting this super fine, but I didn't have much of a choice...







I will take pics before I cut them down, but I wont be posting them until the computer is set up in the new house...

Laced Rhino cuttings are coming along... I will have four nice ones to go in as soon as I am moved... The tent is the first thing that gets set

Till then...
G'day all Laceygirl again...

We are experiencing the shittiest, windy, rainy weather here in the A.C.T. we are getting heaps of weather to say the least and its going to continue into next week...

I'm glad we are getting the rain, as we really need it and for the first time in years, we are going to have ample water supply heading into our hot summer... The farmers would be loving this.... If its not washing their crops away.... It also makes shearing sheep a pain in the arse...

MY HOLIDAY TO FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND IS ONLY 53 DAYS AWAY..... For those of you not familiar with Australia, Queensland is a state in Australia that is our most tropical... Its bloody beautiful and home to the great barrier reef...I am taking my six year old snorkelling as he is too young to learn how to dive.. :-(

We have some of the nicest beaches and the further up you go, the nicer they get...... :-) Most people would be familiar with Brisbane and the Gold Coast but I'm going heaps further up than that....Google Earth Palm Cove Queensland Australia and you'll see what I mean....

To all Americans or any other nationality reading, its really a little piece of heaven on earth and we are really nice people...

Cannot wait... We fly out on the 27th of October and come back later after My hubby has bought me this trip for the two caesarians I have endured...So I am leaving him and the two year old at home....

G'day all Laceygirl again,

Just a super quick pic update...

I am on day 38 of flowering now... They are coming along beautifully... Very happy with them...These were taken just before the lights came on...



More when there's more...

Thank you guys, its been a lazy grow on my part but they're coming along... that's all I can ask for.. My shed stinks even when the lights are off
Nice i cant wait to have that problem lol

Hi odlaw, be careful what you wish for... Its really hard to mask a very smelly plant no matter what you do... Its the easiest way to get busted and you can't have people over as not everyone is as open-minded as me....:-) That's exactly why I only grow super lemon haze once every four grows or so..... Its so stinky that I am paranoid for the ENTIRE GROW,,,, not cool, but its such a nice smoke that I have to risk it.....

great looking plants lacey i wish my grow turns out as good as yours :D
does the super lemon haze really stink that bad?
i've got 2 germing as we speak, i cant wait to try this strain mmmmmm