Well-Known Member
Hi, New here and just read through your whole SLH grow! Also read 8's and the 2 of you have definitely set me on the road to getting some SLH! Loving your journal and all the pics in it, I hope you can carry on with it. I've got a couple of questions as I've got a similar setup in a similar climate. What sort of min and max temps are you getting in your room (or got with the SLH)? With the outdoor temps getting so low, do you run a heater through lights off in winter and stop the exhaust fan or just leave em all running 24hrs/some combination like the 15mins an hour you mentioned you were gonna try? Maybe your inlet is drawing warmer air from in the house rather than directly from outside? Thanks for mentioning that clip on fan , gonna try that, though surprised to see you are still using a pedestal fan in your big room, isn't the clip on enough? Also what hanging height do you try and keep between those hot 1000w beasts and your plants? Love the set up and especially that hooge screen. Gotta try me a scrogThanks and gl with the move! Edit: I can't see where the return lines are connected to each pot in those set up photos. Are they coming from near the top of the lower pots so that the water level is kept fairly close to the top pot? I've never tried DWC before but your set up is so clean that I think I might!
Hi there, my temps are actually pretty good... It never gets hotter in there than 29-30 degrees in the summer (I've got a portable air conditioner - a must in the hot weather) I also control it with the amount of light I have on... If it gets really hot and the air conditioner is struggling in 40 degree heat, I just switch on of the lights off and do it alternatively, so they get even amounts of light..
In the winter, I don't really worry about temp that much, I can get my lights much closer to my plants... My shed is attached to my house so I don't suffer too much in the winter... When the lights are off it gets down to about 15 degrees in there... Any colder than that and they would die...