Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...

Damn Lacy you've become an excellent grower.
This site is lucky to have you. :)
I don't want to grow anything but SLH.
I think I'm ruined for all other plants.
Hi odlaw, be careful what you wish for... Its really hard to mask a very smelly plant no matter what you do... Its the easiest way to get busted and you can't have people over as not everyone is as open-minded as me....:-) That's exactly why I only grow super lemon haze once every four grows or so..... Its so stinky that I am paranoid for the ENTIRE GROW,,,, not cool, but its such a nice smoke that I have to risk it.....


im pretty lucky in that i have no close neighbours but i do still have a charcol filter running just incase :)
G'day all, I will have to agree with you that SLH is definately one of my favourite plants... I don't want to grow it all the time, cause its honestly the best pot I've smoked in a while... I do not wish to build up an immunity to the best pot I've smoked...

There are heaps of different phenomes of Super Lemon Haze... I was very lucky to get the strain I did from a generous benefactor....But I've honestly never grown a plant with so many crystals all over it... The Laced Rhino would be my next favourite....It will be my next grow definately...Then maybe I'll put SLH back thru again... :-) Thanks all for the lovely compliments...
I hope I don't step outta line by posting a pick
but I think I also got lucky with a great phenotype.
I know what you mean by super frosty.
The other pheno I had wouldn't flower ever I had to kill it. :( :(
I hope maybe I read this wrong cause I saw some of the dankest SLH earlier in this thread but no cure, not even a couple of'd be amazed at what it would do for every aspect of the final product. Maybe I read it wrong, I sure hope so, as they say "growing is a science, curing is an art..." so bleepin important...regardless I just hope I can somehow catch a pheno that looks like the one you had, I'll keep that bitch around for awhile. Great grow all around, wish Id been around for the whole thing, great job, but please cure your bud, its so easy, you can always have your smoke out but just cure the main portion, huge difference it makes, huge!
OK just to set the record straight for everyone.... I am 37 years old... I've been growing for over half my life.... This isn't new to me... Curing is part of the process...But unfortunately, I live on the largest island in the world... 90% of the pot that's smoked in this country is grown here.... There are a lot more smokers than there are growers, so trust me when I say, the two to three month cure AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.... Supply and demand dude, supply and demand... I grow, not only for myself but for the countless others that require my product....Drying is the most important as far as that goes... Curing, I keep that for myself....People here are unwilling to wait and who am I to argue when they need it.???????

The plants you are all looking at and gooing and gaahing over are BLUE CHEESE.... The Super Lemon Haze is at the beginning of this journal.....Even though the first 11 - 12 pages the photos are unviewable.....

This is why so many cool people have left the site, and I'm not far behind them.... This is my journal... I have yet to see anyone other than Rusty and Ninja, even Rocksteady the newb post great photos, smalls and a few others, EVEN COME CLOSE to what I can do.... My grows are all about experimenting with new strains and methods of growing..... If I wanted any advice from anyone on here, MY JOURNALS WOULD BE FULL OF QUESTIONS, but they're not so THIS IS MY JOURNAL.... Opinions on my process are NOT REQUIRED, I post merely to educate.......Just because I'm a chick you all think I'm new to this... I've HAD MORE HARVESTS THAN MOST OF YOU HAVE HAD BAKED DINNERS.....

Rant over ..... Laceygirl.....
You go girl! I saw that last post and thought oh my? :shock:

girl or not, hands down one of the best growers on this site

Hell I spend time every day giving advice , but never to Lacy :hump:
Im just here to view your grow no critique on my end.I like the way you are handling biz.I know you know what you are doing thats why i am following and taking notes.Its all cool lacey.
Well I just wanted to see if you thought I had a good phenotype.
I completely agree that not many can match your talent.
Several people around the site mention your SLH
and others didn't mind when I asked them about the strains they had that I was also growing.
So I hope I didn't help invoke your rant :(
Damn didnt mean to offend such an accomplished grower as yourself, just hoping you cure your herb to some point and yes I did go back and flip through countless pages and found the pics of your slh, it looks amazing, no reason to get so pissed off, If I'd known it was such a sensitive topic I wouldnt have said anything, to each her own, do what you will, just try not freak out cause I asked if you cured your bud at all, didnt know your dealing business would suffer so much. Regardless like I said before I was very impressed with the slh, wasnt really interested in the bc, I got a few packs of slh and was hoping to get some info but forget all that...smoke some weed and chill, didnt mean to offend you at all, Peace!
Its all good everyone... I'm just tired of not having a penis on this site....:-).... Not too many girly growers left... Jats has gone... I haven't heard from Lil Ganga Princess in months, Doe Eyed is a no show, Black Cat and other aliases was a psycho, so there's just me....

I've proven to hold my own and I so appreciate the compliments, like I said earlier if someone wants to benefit from my grows, by all means steal away.....:-) Just feeling a little lonely with breasts....
Nothing personal to any of the posters on here... It's nice that you're watching...
If anyone wants a pheno of my Super Lemon Haze they can... They've just got to come to Canberra to get it...:-) Share the wealth, I always say....
idk bout others on riu but wen u produce the bud u produce and the grows under ur belt it shuldnt b nuffin but respect there regardless of whats between yourlegs!
that cut of slh is darn near worth a trip half way around the world, easily best Ive seen, but you got your cut from a friend right? Not a pack of seeds from GH that you found that pheno?
that cut of slh is darn near worth a trip half way around the world, easily best Ive seen, but you got your cut from a friend right? Not a pack of seeds from GH that you found that pheno?

This was a cutting from the original Cannabis Cup winner I believe... I'm not the only one with this strain, but I do consider myself very lucky... Trust me a trip to Australia is always worth it.... :-)

Thank you Ras, and thank you Chainseeker....:-) I am trying to upload my latest pics....