Laceygirls Grow

eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
they look so good girl - love your introduction, i spent a while in NZ and still miss those meat pies that you can pick up at garages in the middle of the night! Ponsonby Pies were my fave! and some of those Holdens were decent motors.


Well-Known Member
Hi there, my location is actually a line from a really old Australian TV Add. They just keep repeating it over and over again, and it was damn catchy... I can't even remember what they were advertising, I think it was Holden Cars...Bloody Classic..:-)

Football, meat pies, Kangaroo's and Holden Cars....


eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
just reminds me of going out in aukland getting pissed as and smoking a 'tinny' - do they call them that in aus too? before stopping at the garage (service station) on the way home for a steak and cheese pie!

lovely jubbly.


Well-Known Member
Hey Lacygirl ,,, howzitgoing..? Awesome Garden you got going on... I'm glad I've finely made it over here.. I want to be here for the harvest festival .... +rep and all that :clap:


Well-Known Member
Hey Lacygirl ,,, howzitgoing..? Awesome Garden you got going on... I'm glad I've finely made it over here.. I want to be here for the harvest festival .... +rep and all that :clap:
Hi Jats, good to see you again...:-o

You're just in time for the harvest festival... Should be happening in about 2 and a half weeks... So excited:clap:... I've never grown widow properly before, I've always cut down around week 8 which is way too early, thank God for RUI...!!! At least this time, I will know the plants full potential... Yay...:hump:
Welcome Sic I see you are a newb, good to see you are giving growing a go... I think you'll find it as habit forming as smoking :-)

Post pics and start a journal so other can pull up a chair and watch...


IT IS you are so right ...its like children really im scared im raising them wrong or right lol i love it tho and im only happier and happier as my days go by watching my children go...yea im a huge newb but hopefully ill have a expert harvest! HAHA anyway here are some pics of my babies who are now 1 day into flowering...
Lacey TY for subscribing to my journal im so noob idk how to subscribe to yours i have been following yours for a bit now...I LOVE YOUR GROW! i cant wait to see you yield! :weed:


Well-Known Member
:weed: Here are pictures of my babies, suffering from a tiny bit of overwatering...I've backed it off, I didn't think it was possible to overwater in vermiculite and perlite but apparantely you can...:-) I do this often, I just like plants to have enough to drink and in doing this, I can get overzealous, hence the slightly yellowing leaves on the bottom of the widow plant... On the far left in the first photo...

The widow and rhino are showing signs of being female, I will know more in a couple of days and the cross breeds which I thought were Rhino dominant are looking more and more like Widow everyday... Really really need that Rhino plant to be female, and its looking promising. I will know more soon hopefully.

The big tent, ah the big tent, I am about 9 and a half weeks into it now... And they are really starting to change. :weed: Orange hairs developing everywhere, the buds are fat and juicy and starting to really get covered in resin... Lovin' it... Will post pics when the lights come on...

Its really hot here again today... Enough with the 38 degress temps already...House still stinks...:o

I have completely drained the reservoir and I have put nothing but clean, low pH water thru them now for the next fourteen days... They don't need anymore nutrient, the plants are pretty much where they want to be right now, and due to the extra long flowering time, I am going to give them a really good flush... Can't bloody wait for this... So exciting... :hump:


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alreeet Lacy G! im always late to the show but at least i caught up in time to see the end of ya trees.

nice op you got here! like the take on the hydro ebb n flow, loving the babe are up on bricks! kool. good recovery on the over feed.

here's to a good harvest! looks like your going to have a good haul.

:clap: :clap:



Well-Known Member
Hi Jats, good to see you again...:-o

You're just in time for the harvest festival... Should be happening in about 2 and a half weeks... So excited:clap:... I've never grown widow properly before, I've always cut down around week 8 which is way too early, thank God for RUI...!!! At least this time, I will know the plants full potential... Yay...:hump:
I know wott U mean....but I tend to let my buds grow for as long as they are still growing,, I like them well cooked ((so 2 speak)) ...gr8 job :clap:

I have some White Russian seeds waiting for me to plant,,,,when I get a bit of space... I'm very X-cited about that....and some super skunk....because I just love that skunky reminds me of Adelaide ......:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl here, I just wanted to update you on my mother tent..

Well its going great guns.. I changed the water in the reservoir and washed and rised the flood tray this morning and she looks brand new.. I've given them fresh water and nutrient and they only get watered three times a day now...Once just before they go to bed...

I was surprised to see the widow and one of the crossbreeds have roots coming out of the bottom of the pots..:eyesmoke: Wow, ya gotta love Rhizotonic... I should work for Canna, I go on about them so much...:roll:

But when it comes to their Cannaboost product well they can kiss-ass. Its overpriced and it didn't make a difference like PK13-14..

Back to the mother tent, I am still waiting for signs of their sex.. Looking closely every chance I get...There are a few hairs starting to develop, but only time will tell... Will post photos so I can get some help determining sex when the time comes....

The big tent is on a diet of strictly water so I am now finally on the very last part of the home stretch...:bigjoint: Hope I can hold out while it is curing...:eyesmoke: Then to buy my first vaporizer... My lungs are staging a protest so its time to change gears, so to speak...



Well-Known Member
Plants looking so good LG. Dont buy a vapourizer. My growing sucks but my smoking rocks and i dont rate them at all. Just my 2c worth. I am really excited about seeing your harvest.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl here, I just wanted to update you on my mother tent..

Well its going great guns.. I changed the water in the reservoir and washed and rised the flood tray this morning and she looks brand new.. I've given them fresh water and nutrient and they only get watered three times a day now...Once just before they go to bed...

I was surprised to see the widow and one of the crossbreeds have roots coming out of the bottom of the pots..:eyesmoke: Wow, ya gotta love Rhizotonic... I should work for Canna, I go on about them so much...:roll:

But when it comes to their Cannaboost product well they can kiss-ass. Its overpriced and it didn't make a difference like PK13-14..

Back to the mother tent, I am still waiting for signs of their sex.. Looking closely every chance I get...There are a few hairs starting to develop, but only time will tell... Will post photos so I can get some help determining sex when the time comes....

The big tent is on a diet of strictly water so I am now finally on the very last part of the home stretch...:bigjoint: Hope I can hold out while it is curing...:eyesmoke: Then to buy my first vaporizer... My lungs are staging a protest so its time to change gears, so to speak...

Canna is the shit lacey i love their line, tho ive tweaked around n dropped the rhyzo i couldnt see any difference. i picked up the cannabloodyexpensive boost to give it a crack but i havent done a side by side so i cant say if it works or not!?

last leg now! resist the temptation to take a tester nug!? or have you already? woah holding out till its cured hahahahahaahah i give ya 3 days max before your in the jar



Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl again.... I am posting regular pictures and such so people can get an idea of how much White Widow changes in the last three weeks... I cannot get over how much weight the plants have gained... I have super thick stems and they are struggling to hold the buds up....:bigjoint: I love that....:lol:

Only 12 days to go now and it will officially be about 11 and a half weeks flowering time... They look so good... I wish I had a better camera, the photos really don't do it justice...

Oh by the way I'm watching a studio copy of Avatar at the moment in the privacy of my own home...:-)



Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl again...

I had to throw two plants out today cause they were male...:-( I hate throwing them away, but they are totally useless to me, so they're in the garbage now...

So I am weeding them out so to speak... Glad I did...:lol: