Landlord wants to visit 25th jan

I flush in coco to clear the coco for next use. I let the roots suck the pots dry before harvesting and the coco is all but ready for next run, just need to work the root mass out.

I would unplug the light, you’re good to harvest whenever you want though, I usually let mine sit in the dark for their regular lights off and then harvest sometime during their supposed lights on the next day.
Bro don’t unplug tonight,

If u can’t put them at ur buddies house for the inspection day and finish them off properly then Ur not going to be able to dry at his place as suggested already

Let’s see the girls so we can help better?
Did you just exhaust straight into the attic? Because that's no good.
No good for his landlord, only no good for him if he gets caught. Could be he just went through the attic like i'm about to do, and exhaust out one of the many spare stacks in my roof lol

Too bad you can't just give the landlord a cut
Almost there
Friend is due around in the next hour to fix the hole in the ceiling & i can give it a quick paint first thing before he comes n move last bits, plants are all drying in my friends so all is good up until now haha
thats clutch as fuck dude. only way id ever grow in a rental unit is to grow seedlings in a closet then move outside. no way to hide a grow room, especially the smell.
Did you run the duct all the way to the gable vent and out it? Warm moist air condenses when it hits cooler air and can cause mold issues.

What if your outdoor climate is similar to the climate your tent is pumping into the attic? Only asking because this is how it is for me and my setup
What if your outdoor climate is similar to the climate your tent is pumping into the attic? Only asking because this is how it is for me and my setup
Well normally the air inside a house is much drier than outside. Hot air rises, thus the vents in the roof. The dry air from inside keeps the attic dry, unless you are pumping humid air from a grow tent into it

Not sure wtf people in florida do during the summer, seal the attic and cool it?