Large Soil Containers. Rubbermade? 55 Gal Drum? Others?


Active Member
AMEN!!! I noticed he finally gave up and moved on, he even had the gall to say someone photoshopped the pics they had......unbeleivable! I usually don't get involved with those kinds of arguments, but that guy really was out there.
Moved on? Dude, you are still coming to this thread AND still posting....and the amazing thing is NO ONE has posted pics of their harvest that shows how big their roots got. No worries, I haven't gone anywhere and will post videos at the end of harvest showing my plants in ground and the ones in grow bags. You can do the same. Until then what's the point? I have hundereds to choose from so this won't be a problem for me.


Active Member
This is my full line up roll1forme... I am sure you have a strain that is similar to one of these for our comparison...
KC Brains-Mango, TNR, Brazil x KC, Leda Uno, Brains Choice, KC42, Bahia Blackhead, Brains Escape, Northern Lights Special, KC39, KC33, Cyber Crystal, Crystal Limit,
De Sjamaan Seeds-Mystery Widow
Sativa Seeds-Blackjack
Nirvana Seeds-Medusa
Female Seed Company-Fast Nevilles, White Widow x Big Bud, Bubble Gummer, Iced Grapefruit, Pure AK, Black Widow, Purple Power, Northern Light, White Widow, Purple Maroc, Nevilles Haze, Tropical Ice, Easy Sativa, Grapefruit, Cindy99(indoor and outdoor, Lemon Skunk(new)
Delicious Seeds-Northern Light Blue, Sugar Black Rose
Kannabia Seeds-Kannabia Special
Pyramid Seeds-Tutankhamon
Dinafem Seeds-California Hash Plant, Power Kush, Moby Dick, Diesel
T H Seeds-Burmese Kush, Kushsage, S.A.G.E, Heavy Duty Fruity, Darkstar, White Widow
G13 Labs-Hypnotic
Green House Seed Company-Exodus Cheese, Kalshnikova, Super Bud, Super Lemon Haze, Lady Burn 1974, Cheese
Buddah Seeds-Quasar, White Dwarf, Deimos
Emerald Triangle Seeds-Emerald Jack, Grapefruit Krush, Super Sour OG
Mr. Nice-Super Silver Haze, Walkabout, Mango Haze

Haven't posted in a few days due to the fact that I have been getting clones off all my plants and the fact that my Diavolo II has been chopped and I've been blazin my ass off. I HIGHLY look forward to the comparisons.


Active Member
he's relentless in proving that he can't grow a big plant....lmao
WTF? Dude my plants are big! You are relentless about making yourself look like a jack ass especially given I already posted a 3 foot/ 2 month old plant. Anyone can grow a big plant, but one that nets 5 pounds in ONE grow season?...Nope! Some of you act like you are completly clueless to how hard it is to get 5 pounds in a grow season. You know how much wet weight you would need to get 5 pounds dried? A plant looses 75 PERCENT of it's harvested wet weight when dried properly. So to get 5 pounds you would have to have over 10 pounds wet weight. So if you want to believe people like Wheezer and etc. then be my guest. The bullshit around here gets more ridiculous by the day. As I stated 2-3 pounds is believable, but 5 pounds dried?...HELL NO!...not from one plant in ONE standard grow season....and it doesn't matter how big the container is...5 pounds just ain't going down.


Active Member
throwed we don't care your wrong
Wrong about what?
1. Did I not post a pic of a 5 gallon grow
2. I posted a COMPLETE video grow of Wrathchild's grow....who grew in the GROUND and he got nice sized plant that yielded 1 pound a plant using Fox Farm nutes.
3. Not one person here has posted a SINGLE pic of a plant being root bound in a 5 gallon grow.

If I am so wrong then all these people claiming they were root bound by a 5 gallon in June or July should be able to provide a pic of their current root developement. I sure in hell can. I have no problem posting the boot ball of any one of my plants that is in a growbag on June 1 or July 1. Surely others should be able to do so as well. Another thing I should note:. The Diabolo II(Auto) that I started in Feb....It was recently chopped down and the root of it could have fit in a 1 gallon container....Hell even half that and that plant was 3 feet tall.


Well-Known Member
give me till mid july bro and then i want you to admit your wrong i will put out a five gallon bucket 2morrow i will post a pic 2morrow of it


Well-Known Member
i can't help but not like you with your ranting and raving like a moron and i can already tell your the kind of guy who won't admit to being wrong.

happy growing.....tristynhawk


Well-Known Member
yea me too, if that's all it's gonne take to shut your stupid ass up I'll do it too no problemat al hahahah! You keep saying you want to see pics, have you looked at my OD grow from last year, May 25th planting date and the monsters mid keep talkin shit, but you won't go look at the pics. I have monster have little 3ft skinny piece of shits that mine are gonne blow away by seasoms end. I quaranty you, my 6 plants...all 6 will be waaaaay bigger and waaaay heavier than all your 50 plants put together. Yea I'm still posting on this thread, because for 3 days you were not here, it was starting to become a useful thread again without all the bullshit. I got a grand idea, why don't you start your own grow thread and you can talk to your self, and tell yourself what a great grower you are, and convince yourself that your 3 oz plants are as big as they could possibly be. You can post your pics and your comments all to yourself. You can plainly see that NO ONE here agrees with you, so if your right, your the only grower in the world that knows what he's talking about and if you believe that your dumber than I thought. My 5 gallon July pic will be up here, but by then you will disappear cause your kind come and go here all the time, and as soon as your proven wrong you disappear instead of being a man and addmittinf that your wrong. And if you don't believe my pics,your never gonna believe anything even if it slaps you in the face. Now why don't you shut the fuck up and prove me wrong by showing me up this season you hard headed big mouth.


Active Member
Tristy, don't talk about it...Be about it. You are talking all slick and haven't posted anything in this thread yet. Could careless if ANY of you like me or not. My goal is to not let others reading this to think they will get 5 pound per plant if they waste their money on a large container. Strains have something to do with yield, but growing 5 pounds off one plant in ONE grow season?...fuck outta hea' son!


Active Member
Wheezer I don't care about your grow. Just post your roots June 1. Have a 5 gallon bucket on deck for measure. I will do the same. 8o)


Well-Known Member
I have no reason to pick a fight with you Throwed, however I grow 5 lb+ plants every year, complete in 1 season. Start indoors in late Jan & finish late Oct-Nov.

I have never grown a plant for more than 1 season. I regularly get 5+ lbs.

I don't have any pictures of the 'root balls'. I don't grow in 5gl pots anyway. I can assure you that if you put your plants into larger pots they tend to produce more.

I'm sure you do well with 5gl pots. Hell I've see plants grown in a shot glass.

But it is entirely possible to grow a 5 lb plant in 1 season. If you'll click on the link below & check back from time to time, I'll show you how it's done.



Active Member
I have no reason to pick a fight with you Throwed, however I grow 5 lb+ plants every year, complete in 1 season. Start indoors in late Jan & finish late Oct-Nov.

I have never grown a plant for more than 1 season. I regularly get 5+ lbs.

I don't have any pictures of the 'root balls'. I don't grow in 5gl pots anyway. I can assure you that if you put your plants into larger pots they tend to produce more.

I'm sure you do well with 5gl pots. Hell I've see plants grown in a shot glass.

But it is entirely possible to grow a 5 lb plant in 1 season. If you'll click on the link below & check back from time to time, I'll show you how it's done.

Then you should join us in posting your root ball as well. You fail to see that I am not only growing in 5 gallon grow bags...I have over 100 plants in the ground as well. Be it June 1 or July 1 or whenever I can pull up a plant and compare. In this very thread I am going to post pics/videos of the roots of my ground plants and my grow bag plants. Doublejj, you can tell me "how it's done" right here in this thread. This way everyone will know.8o)


Active Member
said july bro all i got right now are 16 oz cup's rest are out
So you are going from 16 ounce cups to 5 gallon container and think your plants coming from the cups will be root bound by a 5 gallon container iin roughly 45 days? LOL...OK! I'd love to see that.


Well-Known Member
yea me too, of course. But he ain't gonna listen he knows it all he thinks. You don't care about my grow cause you know I'm right, there are 5 pounders all over that garden in 1 season, why isn't that enough proof for you? I'm gonna do it just to prove you problem at all, as a matter of fact, i HAVE MOTHER POLANTS ON MY DECK THAT ARE IN BIGGER POTS THAN 5S and they are root bound too, and they havn't even grown 6 months yet.


Well-Known Member
yea, first your arguement was no such thing as 5 pounders, then it was in 1 season, now we have to show you a root ball....make up your mind dude.


Active Member
yea me too, of course. But he ain't gonna listen he knows it all he thinks. You don't care about my grow cause you know I'm right, there are 5 pounders all over that garden in 1 season, why isn't that enough proof for you? I'm gonna do it just to prove you problem at all, as a matter of fact, i HAVE MOTHER POLANTS ON MY DECK THAT ARE IN BIGGER POTS THAN 5S and they are root bound too, and they havn't even grown 6 months yet.
Yawn....just post a video/pic dude. A video of you pulling up ONE of your RECENT ones would be nice for our June 1 compare. I do recall you saying you would root bound a 5 gallon quick right? Also, you are telling me that at harvest you have plants that weigh almost 10 pounds wet right?