Damn, when I skimmed through here today, I must've missed that somehow. WOW he does have a fan club. First of all,there's nothing left to prove. If you looked at my thread from l;ast year, you can see my plants were planted in May, and harvested that big in October, that was the original thing he called me a liar about. Then after he saw my grow,(he didn't comment on it) he called me a liar about me saying I had a plant as couple years ago that was planted in May in a 30 gallon grow bag and it was root bound mid-July. Unfortunately, I don't have those pics anymore, they got lost when my last pc crashed, and the only way to prove that, is to allow one my plants to become root bound on purpose, which means Ihave to waste 1 of my plants,or at least stress it in order to make it rootbound, and I would lose ALOT of my yield for the year. My thread this year, is getting planted this weekend,and pics will follow. I will just like last year, post progress all the way through my grow. Unless you or you buddy thowed wants to pay mre to waste my plant, then I will, otherwise, forget it, I have nothing to prove to thowed or you....have a nice life!