Largest 1 person grow room


So my state is legalizing and I wanna make a small comercial grow room to help startup company's get larger. I am wondering how many lights and equipment ect would be needed for 1 person operating full time
it depends on the company, most will have lights and growing equipment on sa list of things to buy, there just looking for a space to grow to rent
Thank you for the quick replies. This is my first time ever posting on a forum. Maybe the question should be . If you could outfit a grow with whatever you wanted. But only one man could work there. What would you use.
it depends on the skill of the grower, if its there first time growing, then i would start off with one light and maybe two plants , untill the grower has gained enough skill to run a 100 plant grow op.
What would you choose.if you were to create the largest room you could operate. Including sanitation and maintenance ect
Why. What would you use?
This is a 20x30 grow room... been growing in here since 2018. Have a look around.
Sure, you can start with ~$55,000, but then you find out you need this, that, this, that.. more space, more dry room, a packaging area, more AC, more dehuyes, more air sanitation machines, a mother tent with more lights, more , more, more... after 3 years, I think Im done spending. .... well, Im gonna spend about $4000 more on another mini split, but then im done... until I need something else.... it's a money pit.