lol, if only you knew the half of it
yes erb has become a very much huge part of my life, i didn't really mean for it to, i have always loved it since i was young, and watched my dad grow huge amounts in the roof when i was a young tacker. I have become a little overly comfortable with's certainly no taboo here, the plant is kept secret to 95% of people, but my selection of erbs is no secret, nor is my concentrates... My mrs says it has taken her this long to become adapted to my lifestyle, she walked into all this, and now it is just 'part' of our hippie lives. I will grow till i get caught, as i too see it as my medicine, as corny as that can sound in the open world...I wonder if there is more to life when i'm not smoking, it gives me a luxury that should be available to all, and it is really, if they really wanted to stop all this growing, they would stop making lights, and perlite, and everything else! the government make money out of it no matter what. so why shouldn't we be able to do what we like? I'm not sure when humans lost the right to think for themselves but i see the robots everyday. i watch, smile and stay high
words from the heart of Flo
ey, you see the slight bits of purple in my nugs?? weird huh!?