Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)


Well-Known Member
Here is my favorite weird Bowie:


Bowie was in Mott The Hoople and Genesis' first gigs were opening for MTH!


Well-Known Member

From the article:
Politico's Playbook teased the following excerpt from "Barack Obama: The Story," which will be published in June but is already viewable on Google Books. "When a joint was making the rounds, he often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted 'Intercepted!' and took an extra hit," Maraniss writes. But Obama's buddies, who called themselves the "Choom Gang," didn't mind him messing up the rotation. (After all, this was Hawaii.)

That's not all. Maraniss writes that Obama was known for starting a trend called "TA," short for "total absorption."
"When you were with Barry and his pals, if you exhaled precious pakalolo (Hawaiian slang for marijuana, meaning "numbing tobacco") instead of absorbing it fully into your lungs, you were assessed a penalty and your turn was skipped the next time the joint came around.
Maraniss also describes Obama's technique of "roof hits" while hot-boxing cars. "When the pot was gone, they tilted their heads back and sucked in the last bit of smoke from the ceiling," he writes.


"Roof hits?" Hardcore, Mr. President... hardcore.


Well-Known Member
As if "Battleship" weren't enough...
Coming soon to a theater near you.


Well-Known Member
Okay, boys and girls... I'm gonna speak plainly.

The "logistical challenge" I made reference to in the delay of my next grow is actually more of a financial challenge. But fear not. I have come up with a solution that will have me flush with cash come mid-June. (Edit: fuck mid-June, I'm getting this financial fix going asap).

That means I'll be launching the blog and my next grow in grand, grand style. Shit, I'm gonna have such a nice chunk of change that I might even go ahead and make FEMCULT myself! -- or something similar.

But in any case, I have something HUGE planned for the world of cannabis and hot chick appreciation. With a real budget at my disposal, I'm gonna ramp up my model shooting to bring you a breadth of hot-girl content that will blow you away. I'll also be making the water-cooled light upgrade which should prove to be interesting... perfect for a summer grow. I'll keep you updated, of course.

So don't worry, you'll all be rewarded for bearing with me these past few weeks while I haven't been growing.


(I'm really happy right now)



Well-Known Member
Grow and blog launch in the next week or so (I promise! -- Hear that, FM?) With the Tiffany material and all the rest of my older stuff in full uncensored glory.

420 Penthouse Pet in June.

Carly in July.

And since I plan to shoot four models in the next two months, that means I need to find two more models! My life is hard. And I haven't even begun to utilize the Mark III's HD video capability. INCREDIBLE video. 5400.00 body/lens video. Who loves you, baby?

Do I really need to tell you to stay tuned?

This is gonna be awesome! :D


Well-Known Member
I hear you Jin! ;) just better get moving! or i might wimp out on another grow! i got sooo much erbs right now, (about 8 x 5 litre jars full) so I'm not in any desperate need! but i may do another grow for the sake of it, and i can't sleep without fans running anyway, so i may aswell, i may have to get rid of some erb to make room though, turn some goodies into some bright yellow honey sounds good.....sooo easy to do. and then i smoke even less again, out of 19.5 ounces from my last grow, i still have easily 15 left. not to mention all my outdoor, and a jar full of samples from mates


Well-Known Member
I hear you Jin! ;) just better get moving! or i might wimp out on another grow! i got sooo much erbs right now, (about 8 x 5 litre jars full) so I'm not in any desperate need! but i may do another grow for the sake of it, and i can't sleep without fans running anyway, so i may aswell, i may have to get rid of some erb to make room though, turn some goodies into some bright yellow honey sounds good.....sooo easy to do. and then i smoke even less again, out of 19.5 ounces from my last grow, i still have easily 15 left. not to mention all my outdoor, and a jar full of samples from mates
Shit, now I really wish we were neighbors.

I'll get going, mate... and when I do, It's gonna be spectacular!

Note: You don't have to be actually growing at the time to be a character on my blog. I almost imagine your entire house must be made of cannabis.


Well-Known Member
Shit, now I really wish we were neighbors.

I'll get going, mate... and when I do, It's gonna be spectacular!

Note: You don't have to be actually growing at the time to be a character on my blog. I almost imagine your entire house must be made of cannabis.
lol, if only you knew the half of it ;)

yes erb has become a very much huge part of my life, i didn't really mean for it to, i have always loved it since i was young, and watched my dad grow huge amounts in the roof when i was a young tacker. I have become a little overly comfortable with's certainly no taboo here, the plant is kept secret to 95% of people, but my selection of erbs is no secret, nor is my concentrates... My mrs says it has taken her this long to become adapted to my lifestyle, she walked into all this, and now it is just 'part' of our hippie lives. I will grow till i get caught, as i too see it as my medicine, as corny as that can sound in the open world...I wonder if there is more to life when i'm not smoking, it gives me a luxury that should be available to all, and it is really, if they really wanted to stop all this growing, they would stop making lights, and perlite, and everything else! the government make money out of it no matter what. so why shouldn't we be able to do what we like? I'm not sure when humans lost the right to think for themselves but i see the robots everyday. i watch, smile and stay high :)

words from the heart of Flo :p

ey, you see the slight bits of purple in my nugs?? weird huh!?


Well-Known Member
lol, if only you knew the half of it ;)

yes erb has become a very much huge part of my life, i didn't really mean for it to, i have always loved it since i was young, and watched my dad grow huge amounts in the roof when i was a young tacker. I have become a little overly comfortable with's certainly no taboo here, the plant is kept secret to 95% of people, but my selection of erbs is no secret, nor is my concentrates... My mrs says it has taken her this long to become adapted to my lifestyle, she walked into all this, and now it is just 'part' of our hippie lives. I will grow till i get caught, as i too see it as my medicine, as corny as that can sound in the open world...I wonder if there is more to life when i'm not smoking, it gives me a luxury that should be available to all, and it is really, if they really wanted to stop all this growing, they would stop making lights, and perlite, and everything else! the government make money out of it no matter what. so why shouldn't we be able to do what we like? I'm not sure when humans lost the right to think for themselves but i see the robots everyday. i watch, smile and stay high :)

words from the heart of Flo :p

ey, you see the slight bits of purple in my nugs?? weird huh!?
Ah, see. I knew the philosopher in you would start coming out sooner or later. Thanks for the post.

Well what can I say about my relationship with cannabis over the years? Geez, where to start? How about junior high 8th grade? That's when I started. Lol. I recall scoring a small ziplock baggy containing exactly three joints from some reputed gang members in our school. It was an ultra-shady schoolyard drug deal by the handball courts... it was quite awesome.

So young Jin meets Ganja. Things would never be the same again. I quickly became known as the 'weed guy' and ended up selling to all the popular kids in high school. So weed actually helped with my high school popularity as all the jocks, tough guys, and cheerleaders and whatnot knew me.

And then came higher education. I got so fucked up on drugs in college, I can't believe I can still do simple math. Lol. My college education consisted of: Pixies, Nirvana, Sonic Youth, etc. and lotsa acid and shrooms and pot... and daily drinking, of course.

Then right around that time something new and designer known only as MDMA hit the scene. That was even before the name 'ecstasy' took hold... and it came only in pure powder form. The first time I took this MDMA, made by some local chemistry majors (love smart kids), I felt like I hit all the winning homeruns of all the world series all in one moment. I even recall my shirt coming off at one point and me rounding imaginary bases in my room. Never felt anything quite like that since. And never felt anything like that from all those 'raver pills' that flooded the scene later.

Drugs! Drugs! Drugs! Whoo hoo!


Well-Known Member

I was too aggressive with that jet flame. This was causing the weed to combust too fast, adversely effecting taste. I tried a regular lighter and it tasted great.

Now I see that the key is hitting the bowl surface from far away, lighting the bowl not with the actual blue spike, but with the invisible heat field to the front of it. This creates the perfect balance and approaches the flameless taste of a vape. That spike is so hot, it only needs to be close to something you want to burn in a more controlled way.

Wow, hey. I just discovered this very important fact. Burning your weed this way with a torch is almost as tasty as a vape. Awesome. But it's literally a matter of a half an inch. Too close and the torch flame ruins the taste of your weed... Pull the flame back, tastes like magic. Wow.


Well-Known Member
Join hands, open your hearts, and shout, "I believe!"

Repeat after me: "I believe that Jin will start another grow with a kick-ass water cooled light very, very soon! I believe that Jin will go all out and give us all a show that will make all his journals combined pale in comparison!"

That's for you especially, Hell.

Please note: I really do plan to go over the top. I'm gonna spend thousands of dollars in grow upgrades and model shoots. Don't you at least want to see me fall flat on my face? Lol. But hey, even if I do fall flat on my face, it's gonna be fucking spectacular and HOT.