Laughing Buddha 600w Powergrower Scrog (first grow)


Well-Known Member
i think that my case of overwatering was really just shock from the nute burn so i have bumped the pg back to full 24/7 feeds again. its been two days now and no problems so im sticking with this schedule. i also lowered my lights to be closer to the plants they are both sitting at 13" from the plants, i wanted to get the 400 down to 10" but my chains werent quite long enough.


Well-Known Member
thanks mrgreen its good to know im starting to get some experienced people along for the ride to help me out along the way


Well-Known Member
update time well i did another res change yesterday and i stayed at 400ppm on both plants. although i do feel i could have bumped that up to 500ppm on plant 1 if i wanted as the ppms on plant 1's res did drop to about 250ppm while plant 2's res ppm's stayed at 400ppm's the whole time but i didnt want to push my luck again so i will see how they go this time. i have also started adding h202 into the mix and also into my add backs as i have seen a little algae on plant 1's hydroton. and i have also added a little silica aswell to help combat the heat waves that we get here, although the temps are back in the sweet zone right now.


ok so u can see how big she is getting now growth is really quick these days, i still think this plant looks heavily indica with those big fat crinkly leaves thick stem and heavy branching. i had noticed some algae growing on the hydroton on this plant so i placed foil under her and started using some h202 in the res. it hasnt really made any change yet but i only just started so i will stick with. i did notice however some bleachy looking splotches on my lower leaves and im not sure but i think it may be light bleaching from hotspots caused by the foil or somehow related tot he h202 so i removed the foil and the problem hasnt progressed but now im worried abot the algae?


this plant is alot smaller but still at the same stage as the other plant so im not too worried about that she is still lovely and green. the only thing worrying me with this one is she is still really droopy like she is being oerwatered i just cant seem to figure out whats going on


Well-Known Member
Hey there :)

We do have the same droopy leaves, let's deal with that shite. What I've done is that I made another ring with less holes and not as dense as the one before. I hope that this will mean that there will be more air in the bucket and less water coming out of the ring. I'll see tomorrow and keep you posted. Btw, how's your ph doing? Are you experiencing fluctuations?

PS. If you're worried about algae, instead of foil put some black/white plastic on top


Well-Known Member
cheers bluez
yeah im going to get some stoppers for two of the outlets on my main pump so i can disconnect the two air stones and run them on the original powergrower air pumps 24/7 while running the feeding tubes at 30% hopefully that will fix my problem. i have been battling this issue for a while now with limited success. everyone keeps telling me u cant overwater with waterfarms but nobody can come up with another reason for the droop. trial and error i guess.

oh and yes ph fluctuates but everyones does, mine mostly creeps up to about 7 7-5 then i adjust it with my add back water to get it back down to about 5.5 then it creeps up. i guess its a pretty big fluctuation. if the feed cycle change doesnt fix things this time around i might try doing 2 smaller add backs a day hopefully keeping the ph a lot more stable. but i have to rule out overwatering once and for all first.


Well-Known Member
Well, we'll compare notes and we'll solve it mate. It's not the ph tho, can't be cause others aren't experiencing the same problem so you have to be right and it has to be overwatering.
Well, goodnight fromhere, it's getting late in the old world :)


Well-Known Member
dont forget that no one else is experiencing overwatering issue either, after much research im starting to think that all i need to do to get on top of this problem is a good flush and start back on about 300ppm and see what happens then i think even though the nute burn i experienced stopped and didnt get any worse i never flushed i only diluted and i think i might still be experiencing some osmosis from having my nutes too high.


Well-Known Member
Could be, could be. I'm going to keep on investigating the overwatering issue since I already changed my ring, forgot to measure my ppms this morning, will check em when the lights come on. But, check out my latest picture, her top is looking much better after nearly 8 hours with the new ring. So there must be something there... time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Hey got some good news. My leaves are back into place, the change is quite evident in the last pictures. Check em out.


Well-Known Member
ok overwatering is ruled out. no improvement at all this time around im going to run some flora kleen through her this morning then run r/o water through her all day and keep my fingers crossed. im getting very close to scraping this plant and transplanting in my vanilla kush. only problem is i want to figure out whats going on first so im not just running into the same problems with the vk.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was off for 6 hrs then run at 30% all day and off for another 6 hrs and didn't get any better if anything she is worse. I ran some flora Loren through this morning and in running r/o water todayy. We will see what happens I feel bad my inexperience has been tough on her


Well-Known Member
SHE LIVES!!!! finally i have cracked it... looking back it was pretty obvious. but thats what being a novice is all about i guess. shes picked up a fair bit today, im gonna run water till tomorrow morn then i will give her light nutes again.


Well-Known Member
heres a rough ppm guide mate--

Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250

Early Vegging 300 to 400

Full Vegetation 450 to 700

Early Blooming 750 to 950

Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600


Well-Known Member
heres a rough ppm guide mate--

Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250

Early Vegging 300 to 400

Full Vegetation 450 to 700

Early Blooming 750 to 950

Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600
cheers green, this morning she is looking even better again. im not going to rush into it this time i had planned on giving her some nutes again this morning but she still seems to be loving just having fresh water for now so im going to leave it till tomorrow. plant 1 is still in beast mode growth.


Well-Known Member
its update time again. its all good news today. both plants are looking great. its hard to believe its only been 3 days. also some other good news is that i had to go to a new hydroshop to get some flora kleen as my usual store dont stock gh stuff, the bloke in the new store was super friendly and helpful and even gave me some free large bottles of nova gro and nova bloom... stoked


ok so after the success witht the flush on plant 2 and seeing as i now have free nova gro i figured i would do a flush and nute change on this girl too. all went really well i dropped the ppms to 300 and she has responded by really picking up speed she has only been on the new nutes one day but her growth over night was the best i have seen yet so happy with the way things are going right now. she still has an algae problem though.

can anyone tell me what the best % of h202 i should be using to fight the algae problem?

oh and i thought is was worth mentioning how bushy she is getting. i havnt done any training or anything and u can see from the photos that here lower branches are forcing there way through the canopy to the light. all branches and stems are really thick she is looking good


well as u can see from the difference to plant 1 i have really slowed this girl up a bit which is a real shame because in my opinion she is still the pretty one. she has taken well to a flush a drop to 300ppms. she looks perky as and growth has picked right back up again, cant wait to see what this girl can do.


Active Member
Nice grow, everything looks really good so far. Does your hydroton always remain about as wet as it is in the picture? I have a small clip fan blowing on my small seedling and my hydroton only remains wet were the drip holes are. Other than that the entire surface of my hydroton is dry. Let me know what you think. Subbed for this one!