Laughing Buddha 600w Powergrower Scrog (first grow)


Well-Known Member
high md great to have u along i have been watching your grow aswell. as far as the hydroton goes yeah mine is always wet my air pump is an eterna iv and she runs both powergrowers and 2 air stones but i reckon i could easily run 2 more with her. are u still using the standard pump? i cant see that being a problem the roots arent in that top layer anyway and im sure your getting water where u neeed it as your seedlings look healthy as. i wish mine looked that good at that stage. stick around and watch my mistakes im bound to make plenty more and hopefully if u see me make them first u can avoid them


Well-Known Member
Nice going mate, good recovery on the second plant. The first one looks magnificent, looking forward to the next few weeks


Well-Known Member
thanks bluez, i feel like i have them dialled in now so im hoping its smooth sailing for little while. next thing to deal with is algae. i need to get something to cover up the hydroton. that isnt foil as im pretty sure the foil burnt my leaves even with the dull side up.

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
I'M Sub Up. Looking forwards to the Journey.Looks Like I'm 2 weeks behind you.My little darlins will go into the Waterfarm's tonight.But I do have a non grow question how do you link you grow journal with your post.Peace


Well-Known Member
hey dawg really glad to have u along for the ride, all i do is once i started my thread in this forum i simply just go down the bottom and reply to my own thread. i hope that helps


Well-Known Member
ok so the ppms have dropped down to 150 on plant 1 and 200 on plant 2 so im going to bump plant 1 up to 400ppm and im going to bump plant 2 up to 350ppm.


Well-Known Member
i cant wait to put up tomorrows update you guys arent going to believe how much plant 1 has grown. also both plants ppms have already dropped by 50ppm in 8 hrs if they drop anymore overnight im going to have to up there nutes again tommorrow


Well-Known Member

sorry about the pics they didnt come out real well this time round i will try and do better next time. well as you can see she has boomed big time. she is loving the nova grow. her ppms had dropped by 100 in around 12 hrs so i bumped them up again this morning so she is now sitting on about 470ppm. i think that i will have the screen up within a week shes really starting to get tall. im really starting to think i should clone this girl


ok so i actually took this photo yesterday because i didnt get any usable photos today but you get the idea. still seeing fairly slow growth in this one when compared to plant 1 but she is healthy again thats the main thing i think over the next week she will really start to fire again.


Well-Known Member
hey jess good to see you again. i think once i drop the screen on im going to top the main tip and then just train all the other branches out from there. i was planning on vegging until christmas so i could switch the lights and the noisier fans off while the relo's are here for the day then switch to 12/12 the next day but i think i will have to flip the switch way before then if they keep growing like this


Well-Known Member
man plant 1 has really become a nute pig she already dropped her ppms back down to 400. once again im going to wait till morning and see how she goes but if it drops any more im gonna bump her nutes up to around 600

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I love your beautiful octogan powerhouse waterfarm. its so cool and sci fi looking. it would go perfectly with my PHOTOTRON!!!!!!!!
its been wonderful reading your journal so far.
Thanks for stopping by my journal. maybe we can be freinds.


Well-Known Member
for sure amber your always welcome here and i cant wait to see how your grow turns out. i really just found it difficult to find waterfarms in aus. im kinda glad though cause i think with the extra veg time its gonna take to fill my large screen the extra root space may come in handy yet


Well-Known Member
They're looking really nice man, time to give em some training I'd say. And the thing about a waterfarm or something else, really it's just plastic bits put together, nothing you can't make on your own :)


Well-Known Member
hey bluez thanks for the compliment. with the training though i am really happy with the way things are going without any training. the picture doesnt show it all that well but the canopy on plant 1 is really even already, all of the lower branches have pushed there way through the fan leaves and throwing out there new leaves as part of the canopy its great so im just going to leave it as is now until it gets to about 15" before i drop the screen on that will give me heaps of room to get my bucket in there for feeds etc. thats when the fun will begin. its really not going to take long to fill that screen though if she keeps growing like this. she is on 600ppm now and i dare say that by this afternoon i will have bumped that up again as they were already down to 540 again this morning. i have been working on a rule where if she drops by more than 100 i can bump her up 100. plant 2 is still struggling a bit shes really perky in the upper leaves but growth is slow and the lower leaves still seem a bit stressed, fingers crossed she comes good.


Well-Known Member
lol i actually just looked at the photos from yesterday and the funny thing is plant 1 doesnt even look like that anymore, i really cant believe the growth