leaf drooping and cupping


Well-Known Member
I run flood and drain. I have three of these;


You can grow 15 medium size plants in this and it's very self contained. It's very easy to clean because of its design and size.

My album has plenty of pix of them in action.


So easy a caveman could do it.

I use rockwool for seedlings but I mostly grow clones and those I put directly into 5 inch pots filled with hydroton.


Active Member
how long do you flood for and how often? like 3 time a day for 5-10 minutes or something like that?

i want to get another digital timer for that setup becuase i have one for my lights and it works great plus you can go by minute incs and set up to six on/off times per day. this would be great for my flood timer.

how would four 6 minute floods be, good bad or indifferent?


Well-Known Member
I flood three times a day for 15 minutes. You don't need a digital timer for that. More floods, for me anyway, doesn't equal greater plant growth or health. The roots need to dry out sometimes. Plenty of folks flood only two times a day. It's somewhat medium-dependent.


Active Member
i was watching a video online and the guy said something like most flood and drain people run 3-4 times a day but he recomended like 4-6 times a day. thats the main reason for asking. as far as the digital timers go i kind of like them a little better, and a good brinks (like the old alarm company) only costs like 8 dollars out here at walmart. i like the battery back-up/clock feature. i live in an area were power could go out on a strong windy day, and i live in the windy city, only 15 mintes away on the e-way.


Active Member
ok so i got updated pictures here an i got to say this plant looks bad, very bad. and a very little good signs

here are the bad pics
2010-09-13 17.10.52.jpg2010-09-13 17.08.54.jpg2010-09-13 17.09.08.jpg2010-09-13 17.09.02.jpg2010-09-13 17.08.50.jpg2010-09-13 17.09.13.jpg2010-09-13 17.09.17.jpg

and this one bud looks like its fert burned or something
2010-09-13 17.10.37.jpg

the only good i can see is the new sugar leaves seem to be lighter and not cupped a bad.
2010-09-13 17.10.11.jpg2010-09-13 17.10.04.jpg

my main question is, what do you think i should do? and does it look any better? i have not watered since i did the flush, but soil does not seem that dry to cause more drooping. they might need water tomarrow or the next day. i stil dont know why only this one is acting this way, the other is just fine.

Will it make it till harvest or is it a lost cause, i dont want it to be, and i wont say it in front of her?


Active Member
well i just gave them some plain water, hopefully they perk up tomarrow. the good plant ( just saying that cuz it hasn't had a problem yet) started to droop a little too and i check, the pots were really dry and very light. i will update with pics in the morning.


Well-Known Member
Since you've already flushed them, there's not a whole lot more you can do. They've had too much nitrogen(the clawed leaves are a sure sign, as is the dark green color), so stay away from that. Other than that, you've already done the right thing, by going with straight water. Next watering(assuming it'll be 3-5 days), it'd be a good idea to go back to feeding bloom fert, at a weak dose.(1/4 or 1/2 strength)
your feeding to much nutrients whether it be at one time giiving it too much u might need to go to a local site or look online but only use 1 4th of what the label say and maybe slow down on how often you even do it at that ratio for a while and than 1 3rd than half what the label says slower is better to get to full strentgh of what it says but yeah flush it againif u feel than go back to giving it the normal amount of water dont go heavy just try to get the water to get the pot and what till u know u see progress to give it morebut after u flush id say give it just a nice water from now ons and use 1 4th the nute rate but ask the local garden shop first where u bought it but work back up the nutes just not to quick and no nute till shes better peace love and theres always another seed sadly i lost a few in 4 years nice too its painfull but they got nabbed except once not this year but my mas fucked my huge one up so bad i had to brownie it before buds thats how alkys are smoke weed


Active Member
I don't drink that often, maybe once a month if I'm up to it. As for weed I definatley have smoked my fair share. Whould the weed be viable even if I had to scrap that plant? Hash it, butter it, or smoke it? They are only like 4-5 weeks into flower.


Active Member
well they have improved since yesterday, but they still are recovering. they look like the first pics again so i did not take any more.