:leaf:Indoor-Outdoor grow journal-lots of good pics

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
whats up RIU peeps

so i just got done jarring up my harvest,its been 5 days and its pretty dry to where the stem almost snaps

i got 81.7g of dry buds,and 23g of stem so im happy with that

hopefully it will last me 2 months till next harvest

i will pust some bud pix soon,prob with weekly update


Str8 Smokin

Active Member
whats up everyone...here's some bud pix from the first strawberry harvested(i think it still had a week or 2 left)............smoke is nice n fruity........can't wait for it 2 fully cure....

Enjoy :leaf:



Active Member
Nice grows you got going, looved how that straberry shit looked, soo frosty.
I'm growing Purple Power up north, i'm in the process of starting, so check it out if you want-https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/328046-northern-new-england-purple-power.html


nice grow man hope you get som e good bud this season , hahaha i like the bag seed it looks like the runt out of the group . cheers.

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
Thanx 4 stopin by

hahaha i like the bag seed it looks like the runt out of the group . cheers.
ya man its lookin good,its only 25 days old,hopefully it a she(worse comes 2 worse i'll use it 4 pollen?

ima start takin it out at night time and hopefully it will show sex soon


Str8 Smokin

Active Member
ya i was just mixin some compost with the natural dirt.....

but now think im going to mix fox farm OF soil with some compost,bone meal,happy frog fruit n flower and a hand full of bat guano in a 5 gallon bucket and see how that works,

so we'll see soon

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
soooooo my buddy gave me a sample of what he grows......

i have never seen a mother plant like his,,,,,he has had the same 2 mothers for 6 years

they are 4 feet of stalk and 1 foot of green

well here's some pics


WOW, your plants are beautiful! Good luck, Iam a newbee outdoor indoor grower. Your so lucky finding people to help you. My sons friend gave me some seeds, Thank God. I now have 5 in Veg 2 months old and 1 month. Hopefully I will see HAIRS soon. Thanks for your posts, I really appriciate coming in her and reading your lifes journey in growing our beautiful buds! This is my very first post regarding pot, So thank you for inspiring me and letting us all enjoy your harvest as we are enjoying our grow.....

Thank You
Happy Smoking!

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
WOW, your plants are beautiful! Good luck, Iam a newbee outdoor indoor grower. Your so lucky finding people to help you. My sons friend gave me some seeds, Thank God. I now have 5 in Veg 2 months old and 1 month. Hopefully I will see HAIRS soon. Thanks for your posts, I really appriciate coming in her and reading your lifes journey in growing our beautiful buds! This is my very first post regarding pot, So thank you for inspiring me and letting us all enjoy your harvest as we are enjoying our grow.....

Thank You
Happy Smoking!


Glad i could inspire someone else in this very fun hobby of mine:leaf:

hope to c u around



Well-Known Member
holy fuckin shit man.. that thunderfuck is fucking amazing!!! are you sure you didnt just get a few nice buds. and trim off all the red hairs.. and then stick them all to that one bud?? lol. na but thats almsot wha tit looks like cuz its got so manyhairs!! thats amazing.. ughh. wish i could get a clone of that.. or even some seeds.. thats crazy!!

and yeaa well this hobby QUICKLY turns into an obsession!! lol. sooo be warneed.. everything u see or talk about.. will have sumthing to do with weed.. growing it.. smokeing it.. harvesting it.. etc. lol. unless thats just me. =p