Leaves Browning and Curling, creeping up HELP!!


Active Member
Here is a link to a thread I potsed before about this only it was one of em at that time now it's 5 of em?!?! https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/81066-1-weird-deficiency-out-14-a.html

I have had these babies on 24 hr light w/ 1 40watt and 3 27 watt cfls, the temp stays at 75-80F and the plants are always about 2-3 inches away from the lights. I feed water when topsoil is dry and have fed them a 1/4 strength and 1/2 strength mix of MG nutes also added Mg (1/4tsp a gallon) to the one that is "praying". Any other info may be found in my grow journal for these https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/79810-1st-cfl-grow-outdoor-1260m.html Sorry for blurry pics my cam is effed up

Here is the on thats "praying" same on other side of plant

Here are the brown and very dry undercurling leaves

Here is some more browning and spotting leaves

All def leaves after being cut off plants

Uniform mayhem
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Active Member
Sry man, wish I could help but I viewed you because I'm having the same trouble. Its not up into the fan leaves on mine yet, I'm about 1 week in and the initial germ leaves are starting to brown. The only thing I can think of that I'm doing differently this grow from my past grows is I may be watering the plant more often...possible over watering?


Well-Known Member
Looks like fert. burn to me. They look too small to me to be giving them nutes. If they are growing good why feed them. Use a good potting soil with slow realease ferts already added. Biggest mistake growers make, overwatering. Get a moisture meter and use it. G Y O