Leaves curling


Well-Known Member
Okay so this is my first run in new spot and I've had issue after issue. But after switching to RO water and spraying for bugs I can't even find I'm getting quite confused as to what the issue is now. I have 48 plants in the room. Out of the 48 I have 3 all the same strain which are consistently looking like shit. (Thought this last sentence might need clarified I have multiple strains in the room, but the 3 affected are all same strain) The new growth tips look okay but the leaves directly under that are tacoing like crazy. The tacoed leaves eventually dry up and die. I have scoped with a 60x scope that can zoom in even further with phone and cant find russets which is what I thought it might be. Also 1 of the 3 plants is in Completely different part of the room maybe 15 ft away from the others.

5 days into flower
Medium coco loco
Nutrients advanced nutrient sensi coco 750 ppm
PH 5.9-6.1


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Well-Known Member
Temps are set at 79 I'm a lil over 3 ft from the tops and I got lots of air movement. But I will try lowering temps to see cant hurt anything I usually run high temps first few weeks to get the canopy to fill in as they just seem to grow faster when a lil warm. But i over vegged a lil bit so it getting full anyways. I just really hope it's not russets as I can't afford to lose this crop.


Well-Known Member
can you show a pic of the whole plant. What does the main stem and bottom growth look like?


Well-Known Member
can you show a pic of the whole plant. What does the main stem and bottom growth look like?
I'll take some tonight when lights come on or try to get in a few mins before so the hps doesn't have such orange glare.


Well-Known Member
I am in no way shape or form qualified to diagnose this. nor should it really be done based off of a few pics. BUT. It really looks like mite damage.

Really trouble shoot and go over your environment variables to make sure its not temp/humidity/water etc.. and bust out the microscope.


Well-Known Member
It’s widespread. I’m thinking you have root problems. How are you watering? Are you allowing the medium to actually dry out? Picturing roots at the bottom wet all the time.


Well-Known Member
My humidity does get low before I water sometimes down to 30%. Could be root issues as well as I have so many plants I water when majority are ready, I'll try skipping those few and watering the next day and hit em with some sm 90 that usually fixes most root issues I've had.

Thanks for the replies guys, I'll try to keep this post updated as I figure it out, or it get worse.

These ideas help me think outside the box as I wanna just blame bugs I can't find and have done everything I can to treat for at this time. My wife says I'm nuts there aren't any bugs, as she has scoped for me as well. Hopefully it's something easier such as what you guys have suggested, not staying root issues are fine but I'd rather a few plants with root issues than a whole crop full of bugs.


Active Member
My humidity does get low before I water sometimes down to 30%. Could be root issues as well as I have so many plants I water when majority are ready, I'll try skipping those few and watering the next day and hit em with some sm 90 that usually fixes most root issues I've had.

Thanks for the replies guys, I'll try to keep this post updated as I figure it out, or it get worse.

These ideas help me think outside the box as I wanna just blame bugs I can't find and have done everything I can to treat for at this time. My wife says I'm nuts there aren't any bugs, as she has scoped for me as well. Hopefully it's something easier such as what you guys have suggested, not staying root issues are fine but I'd rather a few plants with root issues than a whole crop full of bugs.
30% was to dry for my girls. 40%works