Leaves dying from the bottom. Tips clawed down, rust color.

Just wanted to post an update. I've built myself a system with an SHT30 sensor to monitor VPD in the grow cab. So far, I've been able to keep it in check. The system sends me text messages if it is trending wrong or exceeding bounds, so that ought to help me eliminate a variable and quickly correct any problems.


I've read a lot about VPD since you guys mentioned it - seems it too can cause symptoms that look like nutrient burn through excessive transpiration. I imagine it can similarly cause deficiencies? I wonder if that's what I'm suffering...

I used a thermal gun to measure leaf temp - but I have a sensor on the way that can do the auto-calculation of true leaf temp. When that comes in, I'll get an even more accurate VPD based on realtime measurements.

I raised the light and adjusted temp by dimming it to get heat to about 25-26 and that the leaves can be 2-4 deg cooler to help stabilize VPD, while keeping around 20k lux at the canopy.

Still - the plant is exhibiting damage -- perhaps old damage?

I also changed the pot. I had a "Dirt Pot" fabric pot, and it was retaining a ton of water at the base. I got one of these air pots, and they seem to have solved that problem.

This shit sure is hard, but I'll keep at it. I love gardening, want to get good at this. Hate to see a plant dying though, seems like it anyway!

Classic symptoms of watering too frequently before an established root system in coco. I had it and drying down the medium between watering helped. Then on it was back to daily watering until transplant into 3gal from 1ltr pots. Old post but incase someone sees it and wonders if they've got this going in their grow.