Well-Known Member
My baby was fine 3 days ago, and it slowly started doing this.. the first set of true leaves are pointing down, and the new ones are pointing straight up. I also think growth was slowed since this started happening.
Temps: 83 - 90
Hum: 30 - 45
12/12 from seed
107w 2700k cfl
Seventh day, have fed molasses once at 1tbsp per gallon.
50/50 perlite:soil
soil is MGOG
I have enough airflow and exhaust too.
Sorry about quality! best I could do
EDIT: Also the oval leaves are pointing up, you can't really see the second set of true leaves, but they are pointing up
Temps: 83 - 90
Hum: 30 - 45
12/12 from seed
107w 2700k cfl
Seventh day, have fed molasses once at 1tbsp per gallon.
50/50 perlite:soil
soil is MGOG
I have enough airflow and exhaust too.
Sorry about quality! best I could do
EDIT: Also the oval leaves are pointing up, you can't really see the second set of true leaves, but they are pointing up