Leaves turning brown and getting crispy


So my seedlings were started around January 26th, and 1 is doing great, one has yellow leaves on the new leaves, and the third is not doing so well. I will attach a pic of it. I am thinking nute burn or heat. I have it in an organic soil mix, and under a 400w hps light, about a foot away from the tops of the plants. I have held my hand under the light above the tops and it doesn't get too hot. I water about once a week, when the soil starts to look really dry, and I am not going to be feeding since the soil should have plenty of nutes for the plant to thrive on. When I water I water with a mix of 1 ml of big time enzyme, and 3 ml of big time roots per gallon. I am not sure what is going on with my smallest plant so I hope someone here will be able to help!

2013-02-11 15.42.17.jpg
Thank to in advanced for the help!


but one that is larger has no problems at all. With that in mind, it is still the light? Also the soil mix i am using is
4 gal happy frog soil
4 gal Light warrior soil
16 Tblsp horticulture vermiculite
8 Tblsp Azomite
12 Tblsp kelp meal
16 Tblsp alfalfa meal
12 Tblsp bone meal
12 Tblsp blood meal
8 Tblsp dolomite lime
12 Tblsp humic acid 50/50

another of the plants is turning yellow from the inside and spreading out. is that Nitrogen deficiency? with the blood meal in the soil would that clear up on its own or should I make a tea?


I soaked it thoroughly about 8 days before i transplanted the seedlings from small pots to the gallon pots they are currently in.


I want to flush the soil to see if that will help, but since its an organic mix I made, I don't want to flush out everything I put into it.


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Staff member
Raise that light (A LOT)! I had a 250 Metal Halide about 18" from my seedlings and just about killed them. It cost me a month.


Its up about 22 inches above the plants, I had it low cause I thought that it would prevent stretching, but im just gonna lst them instead, and have a fan blowing on them. the other one looks like it has N deficiency, should I give it a blood meal tea, or just wait since there is N in the soil already?


Anyone else have any ideas as to what could be the problem or how to fix it? this is my first grow and i want to see it go well.