LED - CFL blending with Blueberry and Chocolope {1st grow-growjournal}


The Mission
I started my first grow roughly two month ago and decided to start a journal to show how proud I am of my babies and to get valuable feedback from an experienced and mature community. I didn't wanted to bother you with slow root grow that's why I figured I may start later ;)
This may be interesting for some ppl, since I am blending LED and CFL lights of a “high quality” and have some imo sweet strains to experiment on.
My goal is to have at least two mother plants and establish a perpetual monthly harvest with clones from those mom's.

The Events:
A small recap of the things happened so far:
01-22: Seed germination (Water 24h + paper cloth 2 days)
01-26: transplanting healthy seeds into Jiffy’s
02-01: Thinning out of seedlings; started Rhizotonic from CANNA (4ml on 1l)
NOTE: I started off with a 24h lightcycle but successively regulated it down 1h each night to arrive at a 20/4 cycle (the middle of 24 and 18/6 ^^)
02-14: Transplantation into DIY soil
02-21: started Canna Bio Vega
03-01: started Neem-oil treatment

The Setup:
1m x 1m x 1,8m
[Small outtake fan inside duct] [big 250 W squirrel cage until now]
1x 125W CFL ~6500K [20h on / 4h off] in Adjust-a-wing reflective hood
Temp.: ~ 23-26 °C
Humidty: ~40-50

1,4m x 1,4m x 2m
250 W Squirrel cage outtake fan
1x 155 W LED Spectra Unit Special
1x 125 W CFL ~2700K in Adjust-a-wing reflective hood
Temp.: ?
Humidity: ?

The Genetics:
ALL regular non feminized; Nirvana Seeds have been ordered online and DNA and DP bought in Netherlands.

[Old seeds ~1 year old]
NIRVANA: White Rhino, Nirvana Special
Germination rate: [WR] 2 of 3, [NS] 2 of 3
Seedling Succes: [WR] 1 of 2, [NS] 2 of 2

[New Seeds ~3 months old]
DNA: Chocolope
Dutch Passion: Blueberry
Germination rate: [CL] 4 of 6, [BB] 4 of 10
Seedling Succes: [CL] 3 of 4, [BB] 3 of 4

The Medium:
I am using a self-made organic soil mix, hoping to provide a sound nutrition and buffer base for my little angels.

2.5 units of coco fiber
2.5 units of nutrition low seedling soil
0.5 units of Perlite
0.5 units of hydroclay
1 unit of worm castings
1 cup of fine dolomite lime

They are kept in 0.7l pots and I will transplant them in about a week

I mixed it thoroughly and the babies seem to like it until now, any advice on known issues with similar mixes?

Since pictures tell more than a million words here are some shots of my babies with their respective age at that time (took them over the course of last weeks).
Date: 02-25 (1 month, 3 days from day 0)

Date: 02-26
(1 m, 4d from day 0)BB+CC_02_26_a.JPGBB+CC_02_26.JPGNS+WR_02_26.JPG

Date: 02-28
(1 m, 6d from day 0)

Date: 02-28
(1 m, 6d from day 0) They are getting bigger :)
Question: Should I be worried about the purple coloring of the stem at the internodes?...

Here is a group shot from yesterday 03-09 and an overview of the vegetation box:

The Next Steps
1) I am waiting for the second set of five finger leafs to appear and then I want to take cuttings and put them under the LED with a 12/12 cycle to determine their sex.
2) All girls will be transplanted into bigger pots (3,5 l) this weekend or next week.

Any advice, feedback on the setup, lighting or genetics or a combination of these factors would be very much appreciated!

I will try to keep you updated at least twice a week!

PACE :bigjoint:


Active Member
I wouldn't get too worried, they look fairly healthy! Do you know what pH your water/nutes & soil are? Also how far away from the plants is that light? I'm not too familiar with LED lighting however I know you definately want your CFL bulb 1-2 inches away from your plants if possible. This could be the cause of the purple colour in the stem due to elongation. Could also be the pH, but probably just the strain.

Again I'm not sure about the LED's but that 125w CFL will not be enough to flower more than 1 plant really, because you have to have it so close. It might be worth your while looking into a small HPS light, or a couple more CFL's to supplement.

Looking good though! Im subbed to see what that LED light can do!