I just bought an new LED for my tiny grow, I want to get some Auto's going and the burples just didn't cut it. I'll use them for fill in lighting though.
I purchased the BestVA 105W light not because to was brighter but due to it's heat sink.
This is the 200 W but the 100 looks the same. Heatsinks are rated in T/Watt and bigger is always better, up to a point.Compared to a Mars Hydro or some of the others at this price point, the BestVA is way better built and should run a lot lower peak temperature differintial than the QB's or even the Vibraspetras with the heat sink.
Also the footprint is more rectangular than the QB square footprints, important in my 2'x3' space. I am fortunate in my arrangement I can move the light around a good deal to spread the light over the whole area.
One question I have is what is the average solar load in candle power at 38 degrees North? The reason I ask is I have a candlepower meter and measured full mid day sunlight at 6,000 to 6,100 Cp. Now this in not PPFD But I figure that the difference in Cp vs PPFD will be proportional and if I consider ~6,000 Cp as a "One Solar Load" if I get the same reading at say 12" I should be about equal to direct sunlight. The difference in PPFD vs Cp readings will be taken up by the spectrum of the light.
Can one if you with a PPFD sensor take a reading of direct sun and let me know what you get? I'm just trying to make my $10 Cp meter fill in.