LED grow panels


Well-Known Member
Ok its morning now and Fuzzy you're right this shit has gone too far and Im done with all LED users after I clear up a few things.

First, Kidd I came into this thread to help YOU. Most ppl who can actually grow weed WON'T help new users, maybe now i see why... Im a full time student and done more research on how to grow weed than for all of my classes combined.. Ive read books, and just about every relavent bit of info I could find. Ive done probably, Id say 100s of hours of research on how to grow weed and make it work, and if you dont want my knowledge thats fine.. I know all about LED lights, as I've watched peoples journals who have used them. Why dont u ask Dtp how much research hes done.... Ive seen 90 watt grows completely FAIL bacause of inadequate lighting and once they pop a few 100 watt cfls or hps it works...

Second, I tried to leave this thread and you and that dtp, who cant grow shit called me out, btw he was starting shit with me until I destroyed him... And you automatically jumped on his side, well lets face it cause hes a LED user.. If you read the thread posted on the first page would understand y he hates me because he started shit too until i completely destroyed him... and my point to him is, LEDS do not flower well, which isnt flowering the whole reason to grow in the first place, he has spent $1000s of dollars, and I DESTROY his grow and only spent $140..

Third, when I joined this site in October, and u can have Fuzzy confirm this, I never lalked shit to ppl who obviously were trying to help me succeed in my grow.. and I NEVER came here for a fight. You took this to another level calling me out, which If you bothered to read the two threads that ppl have posted in this thread you would understand YES I do know what Im talking about, I just dont feel like re explaining it to you when Ive already spent hours on the topic, if you cant bother to read it on your own.I really think u need to re read this thread and see who the aggressor was, which is why i said ur acting childish..

Finally, bro I dont give a fuck what u grow with, do what you want, use glow sticks ive heard ppl say they work.. .. its your money and I have no interest in how you or your grow goes, I was trying to pass knowledge that I have gained from my 100s of hours of research to you.. but obviously you would rather get into a pointless argument that Ive already had and have no intrest in continueing.. I have grown pot successfully and put the time in to research lighting for hours on end before I bought which is y i succeed at growing.. its all about research, and honestly I dont think you've done enough.. I think u and other LED users think ur starting some type of growing revolution when all you are doing is waisting money on something that had been proven time and time again to be inferior to HIDs and in my opinion cfls as well. And once again its ur money, do what u want just dont come attacking me on my beliefs because u already spent money on something that will end up failing and now u have to defend the $ u spent...

P.S. Yes you can grow pot with LEDS but you need a hell of a lot more than 90 watts.. They are completely over priced for the results you get.. If you ask ANY experienced grower on this site they will tell you the same thing..Like I said earlier, read the thread on the first page titled figure this LED users.. Peace, and Im done.. btw I will not post another thing so dont bother responding ..


Well-Known Member
get a life before you try and bash me next cuz you have no idea what i am or what i do in life on a serious level i have other hobbies too im just not going to get into them cuz i dont like to brag and seem ignorant but lets just say your prolly not in my level on other skillful things haha
ignorant post dude, if ur over 20 ur probably 21 cause this is some shit a child would say not a grown man. I have no need to hype myself up to stranger, let me re put that.. A true man doesnt need to tell random people how good they are because they know who they are, a child feels the need to tell ppl how good they are because he feels inadequate... dude im not on ur level cause i cant see ur level from up here..and for u to make this comment, man i dunno, id just honestly think about deleteng it cause honestly dude it sounds stupid..


Well-Known Member
nice fuzzy, lmfao, i gtg ill talk to you later, im transplanting tomorrow girls are getting BIG. and btw i havent forgotten about you and u know.. I just needa buy some stamps..


Well-Known Member
U have officially been destroyed STFU and get a life.. go join a knitting site, maybe u can do that cause u FAIL at growing hahahahaha o yea and u argue like a 12 yr old girl..:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:


Well-Known Member
when exactly did i say that? ur just making shit up and im only on at nights lmfao..


Well-Known Member
not to start shit or enter the fray but the burden of proof is on you kidd. veteran growers tell you you're wasting your time and you get angry at them. even telling them to go buy another half a grands worth of equipment to prove to you wrong... why? honestly if you cant afford to get get caught or you have a job that would be jeopardized by you growing marijuana (if that's true. kinda sounds like you don't want your parents to find it honestly) than you shouldn't be growing at all. personally i think you're living with your parents cause i had almost the exact same plan when i was that age. then i realized it was foolish and i waited a few years. now i'm doing it up proper
led are the shit bro thes people are reading crap about them and then saying they suck and if done right they will out grow anything out their i have 4 ufo 90 watt and grow from start to fin just fine with very nice yelds but would stay away from the cheap led panels some are not good


New Member
You must have not seen much...have you seen some of these LED grows?? Some of them are amazing...From what I have seen, LEDs beat HID and CFL hands down...HID is a thing of the past..lol..LEDs are the future...


Beautiful Buds produced with LED lights..peep that Video..I have never grown with them myself..but unless you have grown with them yourself...you can't say what they can and what they can't do..Giving someone advice on something without first hand experience is just bad advice..
I have a pretty wicked 100% LED grow under way right now using 5 x 170w ISIS-1 hybrids that you might be interested in checking out...



Active Member
Hey Kiddfarmer dont worry about the LED haters. If you did your research and really looked into spectrums etc then you know if your LEDS will work. I have few friend that just went LED and stuff looked really nice last round. So good i went out and got two Kessil h150 LED to supplement my 8x8tent with on top of the 2 600w hps im running.

P.S. J8N11 Youtube should require a IQ test, If your saying no LEDS work you ignorance is pathetic and you should do some reading.
