Led guys chime in

Oh!... you got the fun pack!... here's a fun little tip. Take 2 of those, mix em'. and put them in another container that has the same volume. Wrap the shit out of it in duct tape, and anything else you can to compress the explosion........then stand back a ways.
Oh!... you got the fun pack!... here's a fun little tip. Take 2 of those, mix em'. and put them in another container that has the same volume. Wrap the shit out of it in duct tape, and anything else you can to compress the explosion........then stand back a ways.
Hell ya man. You get it! The harder it is for the gasses have to escape to bigger the BOOM, lol. My buddy in 7th or 8th grade's dad was a mad scientist that would teach his kid all kinda of shit, and them he'd tell me about them. It was crazy the shit I was doing back then. Things have changed though, so I'm a little more reserved with that kinda shit now. Fuck you Bin Laden, :finger:, lol.
Pro tip... anything over 1lb, make sure you're at least 50 yards away, and do not hit any metal objects. IE... do not wrap the charge in nails, barbed wire, etc.... this is the real deal, it can kill or hurt you, and always shoot in prone position (on the ground, legs spread, firearm braced on the ground), stay as low as possible.
Pro tip... anything over 1lb, make sure you're at least 50 yards away, and do not hit any metal objects. IE... do not wrap the charge in nails, barbed wire, etc.... this is the real deal, it can kill or hurt you, and always shoot in prone position (on the ground, legs spread, firearm braced on the ground), stay as low as possible.
I'd give my pro tips, but I might wind up on the watch list, :wall:
I've thought about keeping a 30lb or 50 lb charge in a barrel at my entrance in case of an invasion, but supposedly, you need to use it as soon as you mix it. My front entry to the porch is about 300 yards. I can hit it, but it may go bad after a few months. At 50 lbs... it would blow my windows out.
I've thought about keeping a 30lb or 50 lb charge in a barrel at my entrance in case of an invasion, but supposedly, you need to use it as soon as you mix it. My front entry to the porch is about 300 yards. I can hit it, but it may go bad after a few months.
There are other solutions to that problem. I can think of some stuff that might work for longer, lol.
Hell ya man. You get it! The harder it is for the gasses have to escape to bigger the BOOM, lol. My buddy in 7th or 8th grade's dad was a mad scientist that would teach his kid all kinda of shit, and them he'd tell me about them. It was crazy the shit I was doing back then. Things have changed though, so I'm a little more reserved with that kinda shit now. Fuck you Bin Laden, :finger:, lol.
You think you have it bad?
The Scottish government banned Air rifles (aka pellet gun) we need a firearms license to own one.
You and @PadawanWarrior sound like my kind of people. Probably a good thing we never met as kids. Lmao.

When I was younger I LOVED explosions. I started around 16 yrs old making Co2 cartridge crackers. They'd blow holes through those thick black trash cans. (1/2 thick alley trash bins)

Then I became fond of KNo3 and KNo4 respectively. Some fun stuff with the right additives. But yeah, too old for that shit now and most of it is likely illegal anymore.

Good times.
You and @PadawanWarrior sound like my kind of people. Probably a good thing we never met as kids. Lmao.

When I was younger I LOVED explosions. I started around 16 yrs old making Co2 cartridge crackers. They'd blow holes through those thick black trash cans. (1/2 thick alley trash bins)

Then I became fond of KNo3 and KNo4 respectively. Some fun stuff with the right additives. But yeah, too old for that shit now and most of it is likely illegal anymore.

Good times.
I've used old CO2 canisters too, lol. Fun stuff.
You and @PadawanWarrior sound like my kind of people. Probably a good thing we never met as kids. Lmao.

When I was younger I LOVED explosions. I started around 16 yrs old making Co2 cartridge crackers. They'd blow holes through those thick black trash cans. (1/2 thick alley trash bins)

Then I became fond of KNo3 and KNo4 respectively. Some fun stuff with the right additives. But yeah, too old for that shit now and most of it is likely illegal anymore.

Good times.
As a youngster I had a real fascination with lighting fires lol
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I remember a fire story from when I was younger.

I was about 14yrs old. One fall day my father had taken my older brother and me to work with him for a week in a desolate forest with homes miles from each other.

While he was working, my brother and I stayed at the old 60's - 70's trailer that he and a work mate stayed at when away from home working.

We'd get bored and stir-crazy a.f. like any child would. Well, one day while my brother and me were at the trailer I had noticed a Fireman's jacket hanging up in the entrance area of the home. I thought to myself, "We should test this jackets fire resistance ability."

I proceeded out the door, with the jacket on, to look for anything I could set fire to. Just 100ft out to the front left there was an old stump. I thought I would just chop it up, pour some lighter fluid and voila. I was very inaccurate with my assumptions, which would later translate into making horrible assumptions growing cannabis.

Not having had any luck with getting the stump to catch fire I looked everywhere and anywhere on the 5 acres for something that could help me set the stump on fire. Then, I found "IT". The item I had been searching for all day(10minutes) had finally been found. A wonderfully large tractor tire.

I plopped that beauty down over the stump, stuff the inside of the tire with dry needles from the forest around me, struck a match and there it was. The most magnificent fire I had ever created. It was the perfect fire to test this fireman's jacket out on. I buttoned and zipped the jacket up, threw the hood over my head and made the first jump through the fiery mammoth I had started. Then I got bored and tried putting it out...

The roots on that stump smoldered for just shy of 2yrs. I know this because they never let me forget. I could have burned down the whole forest with that. Thankful I didn't.
If money weren't an issue, id get a Scynce LED Raging Kush 2.0. My second choice would be a Luxx 645 or ChilLED. I'd avoid any Quantum Boards and stick with the bar style. Quantum boards light spread sucks and they tend to have hot spots. This is coming from someone who runs 7 HLG quantum boards.