LED Party Cup Competition - Official Thread

Holy shit Amax !!............had no idea...........wishing you the best/ good luck friend.....

ps.....holy shit on newworldicon's quote!!:P............If he honestly believe's that, it's a fucking disgrace/ no joke.....
ok guys, I wish Amax would get back to us... it has been more than 5 days now it really sucks... I hope he is ok. I just want to let you guys know that we will vote for the winner from November 5th to November 9th, hopefully Amax will get back to us by Sunday. (if he does we will postpone) Anyone that was in the competition at one point or another can vote.

You guys have to send to me through Private message your top 3 for each category and a rating from 1 to 10, 10 being the best.

Overall Look
Buds quality

So if I was to vote I would say my favourite was my cup

Overall look 5/10
Buds Quality 4/10
Yield 2/10



Once I get the results from everyone or on November 9th, I will go through it all, chose the winner and post everyone`s private message. The reason for the private messages in the first place is so that no one can be influenced in their final decision. oh and also you cannot vote for yourself like I did :)

It would be a good idea for any of you that made it until the end to repost your harvest post, with the pictures, total yield and whatever you would like people to know about your cups (smell, high...)

Not sure where Amax lived but I do know it was the east coast he was in it to the end, can't help weather conditions that destroy things. But I think it only fair to wait it out and find out if his entry survived as well as him and his family. I thank you for putting this together and sharing your efforts, but until I know what has happend with Amaximus this competion is postponed in my eyes. I could care less about being told I was the best grower or not. Hope others feel the same way. Best of luck to all and Happy Growing!!
Not sure where Amax lived but I do know it was the east coast he was in it to the end, can't help weather conditions that destroy things. But I think it only fair to wait it out and find out if his entry survived as well as him and his family. I thank you for putting this together and sharing your efforts, but until I know what has happend with Amaximus this competion is postponed in my eyes. I could care less about being told I was the best grower or not. Hope others feel the same way. Best of luck to all and Happy Growing!!

Yes my friend, I hope all is well with him, the thing is, if he is not able to get to a computer by Sunday, it means he was probably in the hearth of it and we might not hear from him for months, growing his herb will not be a priority for quite some time. With that said, even if we dont hear from him, people can still vote for him and simply guesstimate the yield, it looks like he was going to hit the 14g mark as well so I dont think yield will determine the winner. If he wins and dont claim his prize by Christmas, the light will go to the second best. It`s all fair in my eyes and we gotta get this competition wrapped up.

If the shit hit the fan so bad that he lost everything, and if I owned a lighting company... I would give a bunch of lights to Amax to get going again. But I dont own a lighting company :wall: I really didnt mean to be rude with my previous post and I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. It is simple, if we dont hear from him by November 9th when the winner will be announced, it means he has no power means his crop is fucked...everybody can still vote for him and we will use his last few post to judge. If we dont hear from him I think we should proceed to the vote.

It really sucks though and please let me know what you guys think, I dont care waiting either but we were so close and some of you have been waiting for 2 months now...


Alrighty then...Hopefully Amax is ok out there and the storm didn't impact him too much. So here's my recap of my little party cup grow. Vote for this contest and remember to vote for the election on Tuesday for all you US citizens. Good luck everyone! Looking forward to everyone's recaps.

Some early pics.
2012-07-27_14-36-41_601.jpg2012-08-18_09-05-08_131.jpg2012-08-18_09-03-54_296.jpgparty cup 3.jpg2012-08-18_09-04-44_501.jpg2012-08-18_09-04-14_866.jpg2012-08-18_09-04-37_45.jpg2012-08-18_09-04-07_553.jpgparty cup 5.jpg2012-07-27_14-38-01_874.jpgParty Cup.jpgParty Time.jpgParty Cup Top.jpgParty Cup low.jpgParty Cup Close up.jpgParty Close up low.jpgParty Time!.jpgParty Cup.jpgParty Cup 3.jpg

Week before harvest.
2012-09-15_10-35-45_95.jpg2012-09-15_10-35-16_961.jpg2012-09-15_10-34-37_799.jpg2012-09-15_10-33-17_65.jpg2012-09-15_10-32-52_757.jpgParty Cup.jpgParty Cup 5.jpgParty Cup 4.jpgParty Cup 3.jpgParty Cup 2.jpg

Day of Harvest. Wet weight was 57.6 grams.

Dry Pics. Dry weight was 14.1 grams.
ok a summary of my grow

general pictures, from seed to finish


under led


beside a 2 litre bottle


overhead shot


the cut and weight, 14g dry


Thats it, thanks everyone, really enjoyed it, I hope amax is okay
The Recap:
This is what I started with, 4 Bag Seed Mexican, 1 Pineapple Chunk and a Mystry Seed.
Party Grow 1 004.jpgParty Grow 1 014.jpgParty Grow 1 017.jpgParty Grow e 006.jpgParty Grow 3 007.jpg
they grew quite well under my Black Star 135.
Party Grow 4 002.jpgParty Grow 4 011.jpgParty Grow 5 005.jpgParty Grow 5 009.jpgParty Grow 7 001.jpgParty Grow 8 010.jpgParty Grow 8 016.jpgParty Grow 9 003.jpg
And into flower we went.
Party Grow 9 004.jpgParty Grow 9 008.jpgParty Grow 10 001.jpgParty Grow 10 003.jpgParty Grow 10 017.jpgParty Grow 11 004.jpgParty Grow 11 005.jpgParty Grow 11 009.jpgParty Grow 12 018.jpgParty Grow 12 025.jpgParty Grow 12 028.jpgParty Grow 14 014.jpgParty Grow 14 016.jpgParty Grow 14 017.jpgParty Grow 14 018.jpg
The Harvest.
Party Grow Wet Weight 005.jpgParty Grow Wet Weight 008.jpgParty Grow Wet Weight 011.jpgParty Grow Wet Weight 012.jpgParty Grow Wet Weight 013.jpg
When it was dried, it weighed out to 16.9 grams after a week of curing it was some of the smoothest smoke I have grown. Slight earthy sweet flavor with a nice fruity after taste. A good couch lock buzz that didn't give you the munchies, great for kickin back and playin guitar with or listening to music.
This is a definate staple in my garden.
Hey guys... lost everything. House is destroyed... me and my family escaped with only the clothes on our wet backs. I am devastated. We are currntly staying at a friends house with no heat or electricity. Only having hot meals when red cross decidesto show up. Nine days later and no fema or real government. Help. Obviously. I am out of the competition. I'm using a friends phone to write this. I have no idea when I mivht be able to make contact again so I abstain from voting for a winner. Will make contact again when possible.Take care everyone.
*Sorry Endo for the thread highjack*

...I'm very happy to Hear Amax and his family survived!/ those jersey shore points got fucked!.......9 days and no Gov support in the US/ figures we haven't learned anything from the past...........this is why I still donate to the red cross..............I wish you all the best friend and good luck

*back to the competition*
I'm not happy to know that he has nothing, but glad Amaximus and his family are safe. It's disappointing to know someone that has lost everything and be so helpless to do nothing about it. Best wishes to you Amaximus.

I guess it is settled, The Competion!
Shit Amax that sucks... I wish you all the best my friend.

So anyway, even though Amax cannot vote, he is still in the competition and you guys can vote for him using his last previous posts to judge.

Please try not to let anything influence your judgement, just rate everyone`s plant as accurately as you can.

BTW, who`s missing with the recaps? and dont forget everyone that was part of the competition at one point or another can vote, just send me a private message with your 3 picks everyone.

Hey guys... lost everything. House is destroyed... me and my family escaped with only the clothes on our wet backs. I am devastated. We are currntly staying at a friends house with no heat or electricity. Only having hot meals when red cross decidesto show up. Nine days later and no fema or real government. Help. Obviously. I am out of the competition. I'm using a friends phone to write this. I have no idea when I mivht be able to make contact again so I abstain from voting for a winner. Will make contact again when possible.Take care everyone.

Im so sorry to here about your lose. I couldnt imagine the pain n suffering you guys are goin thru. i really hope you can get back to so called normal. goodluck and hopefully fema and redcross can help put the pieces back together for u n ur family.