LED Party Cup Competition - Official Thread

can someone recommend a good usa led light for a 2x4 room. i plan on making it bigger later on. but for my first indoor grow id like to start small. ive done some research but it seems like everyone has a hidden agenda to get a referal pay check instead of giving a novice some good expert knowledge. thanks
hey growers...just a few questions:

I went through about 60% of this entire thread and noticed there wasnt much, if any talk about what type of lights everyone was using. shouldndt wattage be a major factor in who "wins" this competition? i mean i could easily get 14 grams from a party with 600watts. i was hoping to read this thread and find out something about how LEDs are working and what wattage works best, but this competition seems to be just who grows the most out of a solo cup, with no determining factors or rules as to how much light you can use. what wattage were you all using? are you 100% sure (or wasnt it a rule) that everyone used ONLY LED? just curious since i thought LEDs were the reason for this battle yet there is not much of a dicsussion about LEDs or lighting at all.

that all being said, great grows...buds look healthy and tasty!
hey growers...just a few questions:

I went through about 60% of this entire thread and noticed there wasnt much, if any talk about what type of lights everyone was using. shouldndt wattage be a major factor in who "wins" this competition? i mean i could easily get 14 grams from a party with 600watts. i was hoping to read this thread and find out something about how LEDs are working and what wattage works best, but this competition seems to be just who grows the most out of a solo cup, with no determining factors or rules as to how much light you can use. what wattage were you all using? are you 100% sure (or wasnt it a rule) that everyone used ONLY LED? just curious since i thought LEDs were the reason for this battle yet there is not much of a dicsussion about LEDs or lighting at all.

that all being said, great grows...buds look healthy and tasty!

Everyone that was in the competition had LED's that being said they also varied as to what brands and wattages. I know for myself I grew with a Black Star 135 watt UV, others grew with Ferro's, Apachies and other various brands with different spectrums to there panels or lights.
one of the reasons for lack of agreement on lights, is due to the nature of led lights

hps/mhs represent brute force, leds are like guided missiles

you can focus your led lights at certain points in your plants lifecycle with an accuarcy that is lacking in other lights
only txchillies has submitted his votes, you guys dont want to vote^? I cant wait to see who's gonna win this FERO light, I have a good idea of who might win but I will wait until I get everyone 's vote to confirm with you guys that I was right...
only txchillies has submitted his votes, you guys dont want to vote^? I cant wait to see who's gonna win this FERO light, I have a good idea of who might win but I will wait until I get everyone 's vote to confirm with you guys that I was right...

I want to vote, i was expecting everyone to post a recap,.
I see what you mean with such a big prize and such a long competition, ... but it appears to me that the contender for the light all have uploaded the recap except Amax... (sorry if I forget someone that should have recap ... just do it!!)

I wish everyone that germinated seeds with us on June 27th would vote.... but at least any of you that did the recap should vote sometime tomorrow and we could get the results by Saturday.

I guess I should have done a recap too, ... oh I know why I have not done that yet (kudos to puffnuff coze I know you got lots of pics to shuffle through as well, unless you are more organized than I am and had everything about the party cups in a different folder :eyesmoke: ) haha I got 92 pages of pictures and my harvest was pages away! Anyway I found a few, I had my moments during the competition, when I hung both cups in the plastic container was one of them... they had a decent start and then things went to shit haha...

I know some of you might be tempted to vote for me to try to get my vote :clap:, but I would like to remind you that you cannot vote for me.


CHEERS and good luck everyone !!

link to the prize:


Just so you can look at it :bigjoint:
Hey guys...finally got cell service and am able to charge my phone at my aunts house because she has a generator...
Today was a good day. We were finally able to gwt out and purchase two coleman lanterns, a portable grill qith a case of propane and a battery operated radio.... oh and two aleeping bags...

Things still suck but we are able to cook hot food and make coffee whicj is a huge morale booster for us... it also means we can stop beggngfor hot food at thelocal American legion hall.. which makes mw fesl better ...

Anyway.. I haven't had time to read posts or pm's because I hate using this damn phone but I wanted to pop in and thankanyone for any kinds word's which may have been said. I'm not being rude I just can't burn the cell battery too much reading or trying to reply on this small scren..

Also please vote as you would if I were not in this position ... I can only imagine hthat some of you might be inclinwd to vote for me but although I appreciate the gesture just keep in mind it will be months becore I can even think about growing ... id rarher someone else use it sooner..

Anyway hopefully my mispels are legible... ill tey to check in as often as my battery allows. A full charge is luxury rigjt now...

Take carw all...

Ok Before I look at anyone's results, I will post mine.. Some of you included Amax and so I decided to include Amax as well. If Amax wins, the light will go to the second best and I will get Amax a pack of seeds when he will be ready to grow again! ok so good luck everyone, it hard to vote, I am sure it was hard for everyone and I gave high scores because all of you did really well considering the 16oz container. WELL DONE


Overall look 9.5
Bud Quality 10 (looked really dense!)
Yield ...........9

2. TIE Amax

Overall look 10 (wicked structure)
Bud Quality 9 (they looked really frosty on that last pic and she still had sometime to go)
Yield ...........9 (looked like you were going to hit the 14g mark)

2.TIE Txchillies

Overall look 9
Bud Quality 9
Yield ...........10


Overall look 9
Bud Quality 9 (looked really nice but not quite finished!)
Yield ...........9

So I am going to add up everyone's 1-2-3 and I will add my 4th to the mix. I will look at everyone's vote and will post the result!
Txchilies said:
Hard thing to do since you can't vote for yourself really. But here ya go.

Structure: 8/10
Bud Appearance: 8/10
Yeild: 0

Structure: 7/10
Bud Appearance: 8/10
Yeild: 9/10

Structure: 7/10
Bud Appearance: 7/10
Yeild: 6/10

Structure: 8/10
Bud Appearance: 7/10
Yeild: 7/10

So I hope this helps, it was fun and thanks for putting this together. Hope we stay intouch and admire each others grows. All the best to you Brother Endur0xX.

Happy Growing!!

puffenuff said:
1. Tx
Overall Look (of plant growing) 7/10
Buds Quality (dry) 8/10
Yield 9/10

2. Unknown
Overall Look (of plant growing) 6/10
Buds Quality (dry) 6/10
Yield 8/10 Looks wet though

3. amaximus
Overall Look (of plant growing) 9/10
Buds Quality (dry) 0/10 for unfinished
Yield 0/10 for unfinished

unknown9 said:
Overall look 7/10
Buds Quality 6/10
Yield 5/10
Overall look 6/10
Buds Quality 5/10
Yield 5/10
Overall look 5/10
Buds Quality 4/10
Yield 6/10

let me know if i cocked up the way to vote

foreverflyhi said:
1. puffenuff

overall look:10
buds quality:9

2. theanem .. Txchillies

...10 (did he say he got 50g!?) or was the wet

3 thename amax


As you can see it's all very entertaining!! Txchillies had given a higher score to 4th than 3rd :eyesmoke:

So there is really only one way to make it fair and I decided not to include Amax because he was not going to win (from the 0's) . So I will simply take the top 2 from everyone


adding up..


coughing ...

OK this is a ongoing post :bigjoint:

The winner is Puffenuff!!! 95.5 points vs TxChillies 95 points!! Unknown9 also did very well.

(even including my 4 picks or only my top 2 the results are the same for the top 2)

Let me know if I made a mistake

to Amax: I would recommend sending me a PM when you are ready to grow again, I ll see if Brent or Jeff would give you some heavy discounts ... the best I can do for now, hope all is well for you!!

to puffenuff: pm me I will tell you how to get in touch with brent so that he knows it is you :eyesmoke:

to ALL!: If you were in the competition at any point and are looking for a new light, let me know via private message because FERO will give discount to any of you that were part of this competition, only you have to PM me first or else anybody could call him a pretend to be you!

dont forget my votes if you are re-calculating also dont forget to remove txchilles as second and Amax as first in TxChillies's post :eyesmoke:
Big thanks to Endur0xX, FERO, and all the fine contestants who grew some of the most badass party cups I've seen. It was a blast and I'm honored to have grown along side all you fine growers. I'll send you a PM soon Endur0xX.
Congrats Puff!more for the collection:P............very hard to go full term in a party cup, let alone yield the #'s you guys pulled..........very impressed by everyone who finished this comp......So when is the next one starting? and Is the bad ass panel(af-150) gonna be the prize??? lol in due time........
unknown played a lot of boardgame growing up and knows a lot about strategy!! It almost worked!!! which would have been perfectly fine, it was a tight race...
Haha nice! Lol look at my vote compared to unknown, either I'm to nice or unknown is a harsh critic haha

unknown played a lot of boardgame growing up and knows a lot about strategy!! It almost worked!!! which would have been perfectly fine, it was a tight race...

guys, you crediting a stonehead having a strategy, the reason my marks were so low, was I saw the example marking

So if I was to vote I would say my favourite was my cup

Overall look 5/10
Buds Quality 4/10
Yield 2/10

I just looked at those figures and marked everyone, if I had waited and seen Endur0xX actual marking I would of used those figures e.g

Overall look 10/10
Buds Quality 9/10
Yield 8/10
Overall look 9/10
Buds Quality 8/10
Yield 8/10
Overall look 8/10
Buds Quality 7/10
Yield 9/10

the difference in points for everyone would of been the same, just the base starting point was different
guys, you crediting a stonehead having a strategy, the reason my marks were so low, was I saw the example marking

I just looked at those figures and marked everyone, if I had waited and seen Endur0xX actual marking I would of used those figures e.g

Overall look 10/10
Buds Quality 9/10
Yield 8/10
Overall look 9/10
Buds Quality 8/10
Yield 8/10
Overall look 8/10
Buds Quality 7/10
Yield 9/10

the difference in points for everyone would of been the same, just the base starting point was different

haha that's cool buddy! Stoneheads are masters at strategy!! when they remember...

I marked myself low because my cups were really lame compared with each one of yours.

Well done everyone and thanks to everyone for watching.
so is there another comp starting?:o