LED UFO light WITH HID lights AND CFLs


well no more led for me. got a 400w mh/hps and havent looked back! also went from hydro to soil. also never looked back


Well-Known Member
well no more led for me. got a 400w mh/hps and havent looked back! also went from hydro to soil. also never looked back
hehehehe......and everybody was led this led that.....so what made you switch up......???I already know but just so every one else can read why....:mrgreen:
Ohh and another q....why not hydro???


Well with my experience it seems that hydro was a bit touchy and now with soil its 100 times more lenient. you make 1 little tiny mistake in hydro and its hours! not days but hours! until you can kill something that took weeks of hard work. Its just too touchy for me. And i had 2 150w hps w a 90w led. i got rid of them only so i could afford a 400w autocool. I think leds are awesome for what i like to call "boost lighting". So what i mean by that is if you have a hps or mh already... led is great to focus in on the exact lighting spectrums you need while still getting all the essentials from the hps.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got an led light just for kicks....I got a good price on craigslist.... I found out first hand that They work for veg but just lack the itensity you get from hid for flowering.....they might work decent as supplement lighting but for the price they are it is far less expensive useing fluorecent lighting