Led Users Unite!


Well-Known Member
dreyfus was great in the stakeout movies and a little weird in weeds. bill murray is awesome in everything


Well-Known Member
Reef - what size airpots are those in? I see a smaller one in the back and the big ones up front, you probably mentioned it before, but I forget.

I went from 1L to 7.5L and had a root out the bottom of both in three days... I like airpots.


Well-Known Member
All the veg plants are in 5 gallons now. 2 of the flower plants are in 1.2 gallons (extra clones I was gonna chuck out/couldn't get anyone to take) those are the small ones you see... i just chucked'em in in small pots without a lot of veg time to see what happened


Well-Known Member
All the veg plants are in 5 gallons now. 2 of the flower plants are in 1.2 gallons (extra clones I was gonna chuck out/couldn't get anyone to take) those are the small ones you see... i just chucked'em in in small pots without a lot of veg time to see what happened
that happens to me quite a bit. some strains I don't want to give to anyone and at the same time don't want to throw the extra clones out.


Well-Known Member
The Doctor - Grown under LEDs in recycled Super Soil. Chopped today, day 63 of flower.

(note grey Fiskars to left of bud for scale)

More photos are in my journal.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I figured I'd share the results from the analysis of my grow since I posted in here at harvest time.... Worked out really well for me. The buds are fully cured and the final weight is 8.6 ounces off two plants, which turned out to be just under 20% of the wet weight (from research, I was expecting more like 90% weight loss, so a nice surprise). Efficiency for the grow worked out to .4 grams/watt (if you count the T5 side lighting wattage). The CBD sativa pheno assayed at approx 1:1 THC:CBD both right at 8%, finding this cut was a long shot - I got really lucky. The other pheno doesn't have any CBD to speak of but she's got 21% THC and she's a squat little ho that fits well in my cabinet. The HTG LEDs rocked, but I'm convinced its the Blumats that contributed heavily to the quantity and density of the buds - H2O at the demand of the plant is kickass IMHO.



New Member
oh crap I, am SO underpowered.....I hate to ask.....how much for the 8 light setup?...and the wattage?.....i'm guessing 3500/4000$....maybe 600w's each?....sorry,more questions....do you veg,more than a month?....I see excellent branching,and I know that process takes time,with topping......biggest compliment I got is.....I am massively jealous...lol...my shits pretty weak compared this....I am so stuck in first gear(after 3 years,its frustrating)Highly disappointed,that I cant even fill 2 quart jars a harvest....,NEVER lasts till next harvest....(9 plants,4x4.chamber,supersoil,SOG).....small SMALL budz(you'd laugh)and pretty much ALL airbuds....sorry for the rant,just getting to the end of my rope with this shit....


Well-Known Member
oh crap I, am SO underpowered.....I hate to ask.....how much for the 8 light setup?...and the wattage?.....i'm guessing 3500/4000$....maybe 600w's each?....sorry,more questions....do you veg,more than a month?....I see excellent branching,and I know that process takes time,with topping......biggest compliment I got is.....I am massively jealous...lol...my shits pretty weak compared this....I am so stuck in first gear(after 3 years,its frustrating)Highly disappointed,that I cant even fill 2 quart jars a harvest....,NEVER lasts till next harvest....(9 plants,4x4.chamber,supersoil,SOG).....small SMALL budz(you'd laugh)and pretty much ALL airbuds....sorry for the rant,just getting to the end of my rope with this shit....

40 - 50 watts per sq ft. light cost depends on lights, airy buds, small buds can also be caused by too much heat too. plants stop growing at 87 degrees. I keep my garden between 75 and 77 degrees. what size pots are you using? super soil is meant for 7 gal and up pots. 10 gals are the norm.


Well-Known Member
oh crap I, am SO underpowered.....I hate to ask.....how much for the 8 light setup?...and the wattage?.....i'm guessing 3500/4000$....maybe 600w's each?....sorry,more questions....do you veg,more than a month?....I see excellent branching,and I know that process takes time,with topping......biggest compliment I got is.....I am massively jealous...lol...my shits pretty weak compared this....I am so stuck in first gear(after 3 years,its frustrating)Highly disappointed,that I cant even fill 2 quart jars a harvest....,NEVER lasts till next harvest....(9 plants,4x4.chamber,supersoil,SOG).....small SMALL budz(you'd laugh)and pretty much ALL airbuds....sorry for the rant,just getting to the end of my rope with this shit....
Start using super soil... that'll double your yields easy for the same amount of light probably. 4x4 chamber you should be able to get by with a couple of 240s


New Member
been using supersoil for a year now(thx YouTube)...after adjusting a heating prob...temp now 72.8,,constant(previously...74/75)......pots are 1.75 gal...too small?....had 600w LED for flower..swapped it to pair of 300w....better coverage....p.h at 6.0.....using karma,floronova(4-8-7 bloom...7-4-10 veg...,cal,mag.....Liquid coolbloom enhancer...0-10-10....KoolBloom ripening formula(last 2 weeks)...2-45-28....ALL at recommended dosages.....in theory...this should be dropping 1/2 lbs a harvest...in reality,dont even ask...my veg looks great,then it does a frickin nosedive all the way thru flower,my biggest budz,are half the size of a golfball...god dam depressing


Well-Known Member
^^^^^Get some new strains maybe. Yeah 1.75 gal is too small for Super soil. Coco would be better for that size. If you are doing super soil. Why are you using bottled nutes too? Thats over kill. Does the leaves have nute burns? All the ingredients in super soil break down as it cooks for 2 or 3 months. Then the nutrients are readily available for uptake. Super soil is a water only method. Aside from plain water . Feeding with compost teas and enzyme teas should be the only thing to be adding. Thats why 5 and 7 gal pots are the minimum size.


New Member
yep...burned them once(bad...crop failure)...when I first started using, SS, I just watered...,then my buddy(who also grows)just uses roots soil..and karma..different flower samples (from hydro store openings)kept getting bigger yields than me(insert MAJOR laugh here)..so I got these additives,and pounded them in...I run it all the way up to slightly burnt tips....but I've slowed WAY down...and you say ONLY use water?(plus the teas)...my current crop is 2 weeks into veg........do you think im stunting them with this chemical attack?...and I agree on a new strain...ya know...I got SOG down to a science,in my 4x4 chamber,EVERY square inch is filled,equal height,all that,then I hit flower stage.....BAM, brick fuggin wall...rarely,RARELY do I get a bud bigger than my little finger....


Well-Known Member
hyroot: super soil is meant for 7 gal and up pots. 10 gals are the norm
thats why 5 and 7 gal pots are the minimum size
I use Super Soil in three gallon pots with no issues. I fill the pot about half way for most strains, a little more if I'm going to veg a while. Works great! However, if you have the space/height to make larger pots effective, go for it.

All the ingredients in super soil break down as it cooks for 2 or 3 months
With the standard recipe, the soil will be ready in one month. More "cooking" time is fine though.
