LED v HPS/MH which is better?


Well-Known Member
Ok got a q for the experienced indoor growers. What are the pros/cons of using LED light(s) instead of the more 'traditional' MH/HPS set-up?

I know LED's cost more upfront, but less on the electric bill (right?). So that's a plus, but seems like I've also read or heard that the led's don't allow the plant to pack the weight on at the end.

Any comments or suggestions are appreciated and welcome from those that have used L.E.D.'s before and could tell me if they're worth it v the MH/HPS.

Thanks in advance.



Active Member
hey man. Try searching next time. This subject has been beaten more than Rihanna.

I'm a nice guy so I'll give you a very quick rundown.

You will get both answers from the fanboys of either systems.

I, however and not biased and will tell you how it is. LEDs are still a long way from achieveing the potential of HPS/MH. That being said, unless you're using them with CFLs or something else, they will not give you the yield and density that you seek.

HPS/MH will run HOT and need venting. They will cost more on your electric bill. That being said, you get what you pay for. You can't beat the intensity and penetration of HID lights. The quality buds you get from them are superb.

good luck


Well-Known Member
I appreciate u being a "nice guy" n all......that way I'll keep it nice too.

I've been here a minute and know there's info here about it but I thought I deserved to be a little lazy and just ask for a consensus opinion about led's v mh/hps.

I'm experienced enuff w/ hps to know about the heat and cost (of a 1000 watter anyway) but I was wanting to get some opinion on weather the led was worth the high initial cost or if it didn't grow em like I'd want em so the savings on the light bill wouldn't be worth the trade off.

Thanks for commenting.

Anybody else wanna help a brother out or yall too good to chip in?


Well-Known Member
Definately not worth the tradeoff. LEDs just don't put out enough lumens per watt. HPS puts out the highest lumen per watt ratio of all grow lights. I treat my plants and lights like my women, put out or get out.