LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

Also: I think the key to getting anything remotely acceptable for commercial growth using the T5 method is to keep a super even canopy so scrog or heavy LST is absolutely a recommend and also to keep the lights no more than 2-3" from the top of the canopy. That is working BALLS for me right now.
I will try to answer your question since no one else is. Most of these people are to busy trying to get credit by posting information from scientific research that they find through google. It's practically plagerism. And NO ONE has even tested out the "scientific evidence" they want credit so much for on their own plants. They only want to "look" good for in front of their hommies.

So to answer your question, the Fiji bulb is meant for growing corals. That means it is mostly a BLUE bulb with some actinic and some higher nm blue. Corals CAN ONLY TOLERATE a small amount of RED light or they will start bleaching so there most likely is not very much RED in the FIJI bulb. The REDSUN bulb is a 630nm only bulb. Plants DO use this wavelength so I would say you are good to go on this one. If you are looking for the higher nm RED then use one of the PINK bulbs that I have mentioned earlier. The PINK bulbs provide plants with all the wavelengths they need except they don't contain much blue.
My current bulb configuration is 4 Ati Procolor (which is still available through Premium Aquatics), 2 REDSUN, and 2 Ati Blue Plus. So far everything is looking fine. Hope this will be a good base for you to find your own bulb configuration that works for you.
...This results in the indirect blue light coming from all regions of the sky. Rayleigh scattering is a good approximation of the manner in which light scattering occurs within various media for which scattering particles have a small size parameter.

All of which I will conclude for the night with by indicating that info like this is not what you life by, its what you use to DIAL-IN
Peace all

Hmmm, something to think about. If you've ever seen red/blue led police lights, they can be level and evenly spaced on a light bar, but get far enough away and the blue lights always appear larger and on a slightly different plane/elevation... Blue is more easily scattered by the atmosphere. Just my observation. (again I'm not a cop, but you should still worry about me though lol)
Anyone anyone?

No one is answering you because its easy to see through your BS. find a different thread to troll okthanks/superpar/blueb.

You made enemies here when you insulted mmj patients, and even if you contribute an intelligent post you prob won't get much love here after your previous displays.

Enough already
Huh? This is my only log on guy. Whats your deal?

I believe ya
The bulb spectrum you are putting forth seems a little unbalanced to me as it wouldn't have enough blue/yellow and thus would be "poor quality" light by being unbalanced. Take a page from lucius and throw a 6500K in and you should be good, honestly i'd pitch a full red bulb if you had to pick one to drop, (having 1 bulb t5s units has really come in handy for me to supplement the larger units)
I, like lucius, can confirm great results from an arrangement like this:
coral 6500K
6500K coral
coral 6500K
6500k coral

(corals are coral wave) and yea I'm working with 2' bulbs, but I can put a gap in between my units without losing too much canopy coverage and the pair cover more than a 4' would in my particular setup. Also I was able to let my leaves touch the coral waves with no issues, maybe because I try to emulate mountain temperatures :)
hope this helps ya blueb,
So, we've been talking about how expensive a radio spectrometer is and how it's the only way to actually measure PAR output (and I'm guessing actual radiant flux rather than lumen?) Has anyone tried contacting their local community college? I audited instrumental analysis for fun and used one fairly extensively, and it was only a 2 year Ag and Tech school. A botany professor would love to team up with a chemistry professor and help us with this, I'm pretty sure. They might even get to publish something from it. Just a thought, and one I'm going to explore right now. Off to call the college here in town!
I believe ya
The bulb spectrum you are putting forth seems a little unbalanced to me as it wouldn't have enough blue/yellow and thus would be "poor quality" light by being unbalanced. Take a page from lucius and throw a 6500K in and you should be good, honestly i'd pitch a full red bulb if you had to pick one to drop, (having 1 bulb t5s units has really come in handy for me to supplement the larger units)
I, like lucius, can confirm great results from an arrangement like this:
coral 6500K
6500K coral
coral 6500K
6500k coral

(corals are coral wave) and yea I'm working with 2' bulbs, but I can put a gap in between my units without losing too much canopy coverage and the pair cover more than a 4' would in my particular setup. Also I was able to let my leaves touch the coral waves with no issues, maybe because I try to emulate mountain temperatures :)
hope this helps ya blueb,
I would really like to stay away from 6500K light if possible.
you may want to aim a little higher, I'm at a uni and have a prof who specialized in PAR and even he only has a "PAR" meter, havent identified it from the pdf I posted pages and pages ago, but I plan to when I see him next.
advice is just that, take it or leave it. but I think I feel good still about giving it as my motivation is to be helpful.
Thank you for your suggestion, it just seems that there are a lot of wasted lumens in the 6500K bulb, so I am trying to figure out how to get away from wasting any of the light since the T5 puts out so little already.
I, like lucius, can confirm great results from an arrangement like this:
coral 6500K
6500K coral
coral 6500K
6500k coral

(corals are coral wave) and yea I'm working with 2' bulbs, but I can put a gap in between my units without losing too much canopy coverage and the pair cover more than a 4' would in my particular setup. Also I was able to let my leaves touch the coral waves with no issues, maybe because I try to emulate mountain temperatures :)
hope this helps ya blueb,

I would love to see some pics from you since you've been contributing so many articles Mpp!

So ive been asked several times... Can't change it to UNDERCOVER CrOP... Check my profile, I'm legit...
Any help???

It stopped me from accepting you as a friend, but that was before I saw all your posts. I am known on other sites as Phat Nuggz. Only wish I could change it here
do you guys think i could germ 5 babies under a 75w t5 untill they start to grow then put them under my 4foot 4 bulb or should i just put them under the 4 footer and when thry sprot keep it going

im thinking under the 75w unill they grow a lil then put them under the 4 footer im going to be vegging for abot 20/4 because 2 of the 5 are autos and it says they do good under 20/4 but they do best on 24 or should i just go 24/0 untill autos are done and after the 2 moths the autos take tobe done would it hurt the outhers if i lowerd time sothey accualy have a dark phase before putting into flowering

One of the things I really like about the Quantum Bad Boy (8 bulb) is you can operate 2 bulbs at time (2-4-6-8 ). This allows me to veg under 84 watts. Saves money on electricity. As they get bigger, just add 2 bulbs at a time

if i hsd the money to get a 8 bulb badboy then i would i havr a strip t5 thats 75w and a 4ft 4 bulb thats aroung 250w (i think) ass i get more exp and save money im going to get as biv as i can tou fit in my tent but i think its onkhggonna be a 6 bulb
ive been looking at the quantom bad boys but im haveing trouble with this

quantom bad boy 4ft 8 bulb?what are the dimensions
quantom bad boy 4 ft 6 bulb ? what are the dimentions

in thinking about the one im going to get in the future im leaning more toward the 8 bulb but space mite be a issue but i wont be buying for a wile cuz im curently trying to get my own house
Herp a derp. I never used a radio spectrometer. I used a mass spectrometer. Plus side is the science/math/engineering combined head professor at Podunk Community College wants to meet me tomorrow and look into a research proprosal to buy one now lmao. He's very interested in helping, so we shall see. But yah, no more posting before my second cup of coffee anymore. :-| /facepalm