Hey all! I've been studying this thread in and out about T5 HO lighting for the past 5 months and I have to say I'm quite impressed. A couple months ago I decided to take the plunge and purchase a couple fixtures and bulbs. I purchased some red suns, fiji purples, super actinics, 454 blue, and some flora suns. I've swapped 'em around to find the right light color and I think I've found it. What I'm runnin right now in a 4-bulb fixture is 1 red sun, 1 fiji purple, 1 super actinic and 1 flora sun. The plants love it. They stay short, stocky, perky and healthy all the way through. I ditched the 454 blue because the Fiji Purple is rich in the 454nm wavelength already. I'm totally in love with the Fiji purple. I think it's the best T5 for this purpose. My configuration goes actinic plus/red sun/fiji purple/flora sun in that order and it rocks. I really don't think it gets much better than that. I'm doing shelf systems with 4-bulb 4 foot hydrofarm designer fixtures one on top of the other. A fan is necessary to cool the fixtures otherwise the plants above get a little warm and it ain't good. When UVL gets their new deep red bulb made I'm going to take out the Flora Sun and swap it for the deep red UVL lamp since there are unnecessary wavelengths in the Flora Sun lamps. Feel free to ask any questions and happy growing y'all.
the cheapest I can find the fiji purple is 29.95 for a 4' T5 is that bulb really worth the money?
I have a combination of coral wave and flora suns and plants seem to be doing well, but it's my first T5 grow so I have nothing to compare it to
stayed away from the red suns after reading all the issues that many posting here have had