Led yields..


Well-Known Member
Idk guys.. i aint feeling it.. these things are good for heat and not needing to exhaust outside but im not really seeing benefits from it yieldwise to hids…
4x4 hid solid elbow.. 2x4 maybe 6 oz… nicer and tighter tops yes but lowers suffer..
heard the same but giving it a go anyway. Have a mars fc 4800 evo (480w) in the 3x3 flower tent and a fc 3000 (320w) evo in the veg room. Just finishing my last HPS run in the 5x5 tent....maybe ,,,,we see how the led's do. If no good, will revert back to MH and HPS and sell them LED's


Well-Known Member
How strong is your light and what size Hid were you using? I’m pulling 4lb a light (LED) at 700w never got that with a 600w HPS