LED's are they mostly the same ?

Yup. Paid $80 a pack (cad) normally

Now these dudes using the best tents and filters in the world drove up the prices because they are suckers.
Ahhh your post was sattire. I wasnt sure. Truly hard to tell sarcasm over the internet
They regularly sold for $50/pk before hype strains and instagram growers took over. Yall nut gobblers willing to spend $250/pack are the worst thing to happen to cannabis since agent orange

The bottom line is that there are genetics just as good or better for much less than the latest hyped strain. It seems every latest cross is better than the last. How much better can it keep getting? It's all mostly hype driven by social media. I don't even have an instagram account and never will. I don't need it or any of the overpriced seeds people are pumping with their exclusive "Drops" some people stay up all night waiting for.

If I want to buy some seeds I'll take my time and browse a seedbank at my leisure like Sensible Seeds that has thousands of strains from hundreds of different breeders offering genetics as good or better than this in house genetics outfit that will never get a dime of my money for their overpriced kiddie named strains.
The bottom line is that there are genetics just as good or better for much less than the latest hyped strain. It seems every latest cross is better than the last. How much better can it keep getting? It's all mostly hype driven by social media. I don't even have an instagram account and never will. I don't need it or any of the overpriced seeds people are pumping with their exclusive "Drops" some people stay up all night waiting for.

If I want to buy some seeds I'll take my time and browse a seedbank at my leisure like Sensible Seeds that has thousands of strains from hundreds of different breeders offering genetics as good or better than this in house genetics outfit that will never get a dime of my money for their overpriced kiddie named strains.

I dont doubt its good. But how much better is debatable.

I got in one a couple Jordan of the Island group buys and currently thats all I have. But at $13/10pk the price was too good to pass up. Also waiting on the Tony Green GG#4 RIL to get shipped. $50/3 10pks

Thats the prices i like to pay. I got 20pks of JOTI for same price as 1pk inhouse
Anyone that has anything bad to say about my LEDs because I didn't buy the best then screw you. :P


We are all getting laid :hump::hump::hump:
Some breeders have been charging a fortune for 20 years. Cali Connection and Reserva Privada to name a few. Some worth it some not.
The bottom line is that there are genetics just as good or better for much less than the latest hyped strain. It seems every latest cross is better than the last. How much better can it keep getting? It's all mostly hype driven by social media. I don't even have an instagram account and never will. I don't need it or any of the overpriced seeds people are pumping with their exclusive "Drops" some people stay up all night waiting for.

If I want to buy some seeds I'll take my time and browse a seedbank at my leisure like Sensible Seeds that has thousands of strains from hundreds of different breeders offering genetics as good or better than this in house genetics outfit that will never get a dime of my money for their overpriced kiddie named strains.
Never understood waiting in line for IPhone or Jordans definitely won't get it for cannabis I don't know maybe it's just me.
Never understood waiting in line for IPhone or Jordans definitely won't get it for cannabis I don't know maybe it's just me.

No it's not just you. Millions of people grow cannabis but only a very small amount of those growers give a damn about those hyped up seeds. It's just that they make a lot of of noise about them so some think they're something special. It's like here in Portland with the protests. 10,000 people may gather but you only hear about the 100 or so that make all the noise and cause problems making people think that's all that's going on.

I'm also pretty sure that many of the posts are made by the people behind the seeds hyping their own stuff up. I guess they think their hype will sway people into waiting anxiously for their overpriced seeds. They may hook a few but most growers don't have time for or care about all these hyped up strains with names of some character in a children's animated movie.
All a noob has is marketing hype and his budget to work with, some of us are lucky enough to know somebody who can give good recommendations. CLW has a compelling argument made in U.S.A. advance tech, blah blah blah. Most of all they had a price point that sounded like a good compromise. Lord knows what kind of shit storm I would go through for asking "what's the best light for $250 for a 3x3?" What if I add a condition like must be American made. I would hear people saying spend more money. Then even the anti China crowd would recommend Chinese products cause they don't know what the F there talking about anyway. Then no matter what I bought somebody would find a reason to balk at it. Only two out of 10 comments would actually recommend a light.
Hey what light did you go with?
The PPF / umols column is the most important specification in the chart. The higher PPF the more photons available.

I understand that. I just think they used a high kWh cost which makes that column much more than it should be for most people. But I suppose they took an average of power costs which is skewed pretty high if you include Hawaii which they probably did. Not a big deal if you're paying attention but you know how people are. Many won't take into account their actual power costs and just look at the number. Making it appear that the electricity savings are much more than they are.

That's all.

She drinks and I don't and don't understand it. Opposites attract. Plus I don't smoke much anymore. If I bought an eighth today I would still have more than half next year. It doesn't really make sense for me to go big. I just don't want to deal with shady characters and pitch men, and I want to know what I'm getting. My tolerance is so low I could get high off a fig leaf. Old age, when you start counting great grand kids you'll know what I mean.
I don't know what to tell you man. My wife smokes as much as me. Every time I ask her what she thinks about me buying a new light or grow tent, she just looks at me lovingly and says "if that's going to make you happy go for it, then can you roll another one?".

I've seen that chart. They use 17¢ per kWh. Which is extremely high and makes the numbers for the electricity cost higher than they actually are for many people. I pay just slightly more than 0.04¢ per kWh for power during off-peak hours. That $1,684 electricity cost is more like $400 or $133 a year so basically $10 a month to run my 600 watt HPS which provides plenty of light in a 4 x 4.
17¢ per kWh is cheap here. I pay over double that at times.
I understand that. I just think they used a high kWh cost which makes that column much more than it should be for most people. But I suppose they took an average of power costs which is skewed pretty high if you include Hawaii which they probably did. Not a big deal if you're paying attention but you know how people are. Many won't take into account their actual power costs and just look at the number. Making it appear that the electricity savings are much more than they are.

That's all.

These are the typical rates in Santa Cruz, California:

Screenshot - 2021-06-06T123006.672.png

I have an electric vehicle, so I get special EV rates:

Screenshot - 2021-06-06T123100.091.png
But you didn't even start this thread. Maybe start your own if you're asking a question you aren't even looking for an answer to. And I answered the OP's question which was "Led's mostly the same?". They are not. Which is what I answered.

The OP didn't ask for a light recommendation. They asked if LED's were mostly the same and if anyone knew anything about the 2000 watt Koscheal LED lights they're using. You've hijacked the thread, changed it from the original topic and made it about yourself. I also didn't post any links to sites for growing weed. I just linked to some youtube videos about growing thicker skin and a couple spelling and grammar videos because the OP had a temper tantrum and their spelling an sentence structure is atrocious.
I wasn't asking a question. If you read my post and understood it you would have known that it was a hypothetical question used to add emphasis to the point I was making. I tried to point the OP in a good direction and point out that not many people would offer solid advice. I didn't fail reading comprehension, I try to respond to people who reply back at me. Maybe you should have a smoke and mello out, you seam to be the but hurt type! I'm the try to help and be anyone's friend, but you don't want me for an enemy type!

Semper Fi