LED's are they mostly the same ?

The gods of rollitup said my lights where shit! I have a 3x3 so I know its spec says its fine for veg, but not optimal for bloom. So far I'm lucky as hell or doing something right cause everything is excellent so far. I plan to invest in a better light for the tent size after my 1st grow is finished and move it to a 2x2x56. But like I said in my reply, who can argue with free? I was on my way to buying a California Light Works Solar Extreme 250.
Dear lord stay away from clw those aren't the best for sure.
Dear lord stay away from clw those aren't the best for sure.
All a noob has is marketing hype and his budget to work with, some of us are lucky enough to know somebody who can give good recommendations. CLW has a compelling argument made in U.S.A. advance tech, blah blah blah. Most of all they had a price point that sounded like a good compromise. Lord knows what kind of shit storm I would go through for asking "what's the best light for $250 for a 3x3?" What if I add a condition like must be American made. I would hear people saying spend more money. Then even the anti China crowd would recommend Chinese products cause they don't know what the F there talking about anyway. Then no matter what I bought somebody would find a reason to balk at it. Only two out of 10 comments would actually recommend a light.
we can recommend lights to suit the grow with the right info e.g- budget/ location/ room size pretty simple really , tell people what you want to do not what your doing and then asking if that makes sense - its shot first ask later, alot of people do this and get upset when others comment, after while as its like talking to your wife :wall: , pushing shit uphill with a pitch fork ..
All a noob has is marketing hype and his budget to work with, some of us are lucky enough to know somebody who can give good recommendations. CLW has a compelling argument made in U.S.A. advance tech, blah blah blah. Most of all they had a price point that sounded like a good compromise. Lord knows what kind of shit storm I would go through for asking "what's the best light for $250 for a 3x3?" What if I add a condition like must be American made. I would hear people saying spend more money. Then even the anti China crowd would recommend Chinese products cause they don't know what the F there talking about anyway. Then no matter what I bought somebody would find a reason to balk at it. Only two out of 10 comments would actually recommend a light.

"OK Google?"
"What is the recommended watts per square foot for indoor cannabis with LED?"

yes, you kids these days have it soo hard
I wasn't actually looking for a answer to the light question. I used that question as an example. But look at the 5 replies OSbuds was the only member that recommended a light. Without saying it he made me think about price points and value. My imaginary $250 budget for a light for a 3x3 tent jumped to the $800 range. Who read the last sentence in my reply? Only 2 out of 10 would actually answer the question! So far 1 out of 5 answered! Like the original poster of this thread I already have light and I'm stuck with it. Yeah I can afford better, but my wife would beat the sh*t out of me, she doesn't smoke and doesn't understand. The only dumb question is one that isn't answered. If a noob can't depend on a experienced person with the same interests to give a straight answer then where does he turn? Google has enough experience I guess
Only two out of 10 comments would actually recommend a light.
I mean, this is every thread. You ask a question and you get a bunch of bullshit from everyone and no one seems to have anything productive or positive to add to the thread.

At this point, especially on amazon, most grow lights are coming out to be pretty similar. A lot of time the biggest difference is how is the warranty on the lights compared to others. Try and find one with a decent meanwell driver, hlg preferred but xlg is good, and some decent samsung diodes. There are other drivers that are really nice and maybe better then meanwell like inventronics but meanwells are high quality.

Idk, its late and i feel like im kind of tired, but with growing there are some things you shouldnt cheap out on too much and a grow light is one of them. There is a Deals thread around here that im constantly on and you can find some nice lights at a good price. Inexpensive doesnt always mean cheap quality.
I mean, this is every thread. You ask a question and you get a bunch of bullshit from everyone and no one seems to have anything productive or positive to add to the thread.

At this point, especially on amazon, most grow lights are coming out to be pretty similar. A lot of time the biggest difference is how is the warranty on the lights compared to others. Try and find one with a decent meanwell driver, hlg preferred but xlg is good, and some decent samsung diodes. There are other drivers that are really nice and maybe better then meanwell like inventronics but meanwells are high quality.

Idk, its late and i feel like im kind of tired, but with growing there are some things you shouldnt cheap out on too much and a grow light is one of them. There is a Deals thread around here that im constantly on and you can find some nice lights at a good price. Inexpensive doesnt always mean cheap quality.
Yeah I saw the deals thread and I agree with not being cheap. I had a high budget but spent less than half and I'm happy so far and that's what's important at the end of the day.

You shoulda thought twice before marrying her.
She drinks and I don't and don't understand it. Opposites attract. Plus I don't smoke much anymore. If I bought an eighth today I would still have more than half next year. It doesn't really make sense for me to go big. I just don't want to deal with shady characters and pitch men, and I want to know what I'm getting. My tolerance is so low I could get high off a fig leaf. Old age, when you start counting great grand kids you'll know what I mean.
If you have any sort of hands on skills you can DIY a nice unit on the cheap. I paid $400 for a 720w setup with bridgelux eb gen 3 driven with mean well XLG 240-h-a. This covers a 4x4 well and its dimensions is exactly 4x4 so great spread.

36 strips I used the 560mm ones

3 drivers,

18ga solid core wiring,

3 pin connectors for the AC side,

cheap 16ga extension cord (chop the female end off and use the 3 pin connectors to connect the now open end to them AC lead off the driver)

221-412 and 221-415 wagos to connect the DC leads off the drivers to your 18ga wiring and then to the connectors on the strips. How I did it I used the 2 lever wagos to the drivers neutral and live and used a jumper wire on the other slot to run near my strip connectors. Then connected to them 5 lever wagos and ran to 3 strips and the last slot run a jumper to another 5 lever wago and wired to 3 strips. Do this for the neutral and live side. I set my strips like this _ _ and wired them in series between the space and wired them in parallel on the ends. Live went on one sided and neutral on the other side of the 2 strips series.

Live _ series _ neutral
Live _ series _ neutral
Live _ series _ neutral
Live _ series _ neutral
Live _ series _ neutral
Live _ series _ neutral

The _ are each 22" strip. For every setup above it goes to 1 240w driver and uses 4 221-415 wagos and 2 221-412 wagos

With the XLG and 560mm boards you need to run 2 strips in series and then run those two boards in parallel with 6 other 2 board series circuits so each driver has 12 boards.

This is the cheapest way I found. YMMV.

I bought 60 strips for $330 shipped. 5 drivers for $200 shipped. 5 3 pin connectors for like $18. Wagos were around $20. Forget how much a roll of 18ga goes for. I had a whole roll already. 5 7ft 16ga extension cords were around $30. A big cost was the aluminum 1" L shapes. Though I found 24x36 aluminum baking sheets for less than $4 per on craigslist. That would have saved me a lot of cash and time using those and double sided thermal tape

Good luck with whatever choice you make
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I've seen that chart. They use 17¢ per kWh. Which is extremely high and makes the numbers for the electricity cost higher than they actually are for many people. I pay just slightly more than 0.04¢ per kWh for power during off-peak hours. That $1,684 electricity cost is more like $400 or $133 a year so basically $10 a month to run my 600 watt HPS which provides plenty of light in a 4 x 4.
I wasn't actually looking for a answer to the light question. I used that question as an example. But look at the 5 replies OSbuds was the only member that recommended a light. Without saying it he made me think about price points and value. My imaginary $250 budget for a light for a 3x3 tent jumped to the $800 range. Who read the last sentence in my reply? Only 2 out of 10 would actually answer the question! So far 1 out of 5 answered! Like the original poster of this thread I already have light and I'm stuck with it. Yeah I can afford better, but my wife would beat the sh*t out of me, she doesn't smoke and doesn't understand. The only dumb question is one that isn't answered. If a noob can't depend on a experienced person with the same interests to give a straight answer then where does he turn? Google has enough experience I guess

But you didn't even start this thread. Maybe start your own if you're asking a question you aren't even looking for an answer to. And I answered the OP's question which was "Led's mostly the same?". They are not. Which is what I answered.

The OP didn't ask for a light recommendation. They asked if LED's were mostly the same and if anyone knew anything about the 2000 watt Koscheal LED lights they're using. You've hijacked the thread, changed it from the original topic and made it about yourself. I also didn't post any links to sites for growing weed. I just linked to some youtube videos about growing thicker skin and a couple spelling and grammar videos because the OP had a temper tantrum and their spelling an sentence structure is atrocious.

No they are not all the same.
