Let's get drunk!!!


Well-Known Member
My liver burned up in the ATMOSPHERE! :)
sorry to hear that Doer,,,I was a 20 year crack and meth head,,only stopped just prior to joining this forum,,I figure I already made it through some shit times and if I'm gonna die at least all I'm doing is chuffing back cigs and weed and drinkin beers...Cheers!

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
well winter is slowly winding down,,pretty soon it will be back to work for me and you peeps prolly won't hear from me much as I will be working my ass off,,,,but until then,,,it's 9:20 am and time for a beer,,,Cheers!

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
If you need it for medical reasons...glad it works for ya,,,but for me I ain't eating or sleeping after I smoke,,I find it a waste,,,why bother,,might as well jusy get high and go to bed,,I like the affects of drinking and smokin all day,,and that final smoke puts me on the couch around one o clock,,,with the remote in one hand and a beer in the other and I wake up at 2-3 o clock and go to bed

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
oh,,and by the way,,I been drinking since around 9:30 this morning,,,still goin,,,did my business for the day ,,,got high,gonna get higher,,,and having dinner of chicken and rice somewhere in there,,,and gonna make it till 1-2 oclock tonight and start again tommorow cuz right now I'm off work,,and I can

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Jezze I'm been going all day too, after my 15 min nap at 7:am. Then I get stoned to wake up and the day is all stoned downhill, wind behind my back, from there.

I get stoned as I get up to got pee, about 4am, too.


Well-Known Member
so tonight i have decided to consume large amounts of alcoholic beverages who's with me?
Sorry I missed you guys!! I moved back in January and boy my life has changed tenfold! its amazing...and great! I don't get on much after 6 in the eves anymore, my schedule is a lot fuller now and about to be more so in June. I do drink every day now though..LOL usually its smirnoffs or icehouse edge, weekends its Captain Morgan :)