Let's get drunk!!!


Well-Known Member
I've never felt so wicked from just one shot. Svedka mango has me feeling drunker than I have the past week trying 151 rum.

And again one shot. I'm starting to wonder if this is gonna be a puking filled night.


Well-Known Member
I've never felt so wicked from just one shot. Svedka mango has me feeling drunker than I have the past week trying 151 rum.

And again one shot. I'm starting to wonder if this is gonna be a puking filled night.

To avoid puking get into fetal position in bed and avoid opening your eyes,,, hopefully your bathroom is close to your bedroom because this doesn't always work with my new clients

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Anyway,,,,I can't stay up and defend my thread anymore,,,you all have tired the ol man out,,,,23 hours of beers and vapes and trying to get people happy has done me in,,,goin for a smoke and going to bed,,,I love you all,,even the people who don't agree with me,,,without RIU I would not be as happy as I am,,,,you all have a good night ,,or morning,,and I'll be back tomorrow so you can like or hate me some more

Keep on Growin


Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
getting drunk as fuck tonight at my friends house with a bunch of ppl, but there's a guy whats gonna be there what got beef wit me. This type of shit always sets my anxiety off like crazy, especially when i got a cup of coffee in me


Well-Known Member
K,,,it's 2;16 here ,,,and I have not got hammered yet,although I should be,,but I did get stoned,,time to gargle and hug the wife,,y'all have a great night


Well-Known Member
hey everybody, hope you are all doin okay. Sorry I don't get by here as much, my life has become very full and active these last few months since I moved in here with @cat of curiosity

He doesn't get to get on as much and asked me to tell everybody hello for him!