Let's get drunk!!!

LOL I remember when me and pinworm got into some "typing verbal" about some drunk shit in the "let's get drunk thread"

If he did get banned

He didnt get banned he just got mugged by a bunch of MMC users that he was talking shit to...It was not his brightest moment but he could Hella come back from it if he wants to.
I can't stand how MMC holder's act better then regular smoker's it was something I noticed on Vacay to Colorado ....I kno some peep's have never smoked and then have to for Med reason's, but it just seem's like a convenient cop out for many people to hide behind instead of being a proud head....JMO
you make me feel old..dude cindy modeled for the masses recently...she older,but still as fine as she was bitd...i imagine with new tricks:-)
hell yeah, like a fine wine, that woman has only gotten sweeter with time. on yahoo news this morning they had an article about her daughter, and a picture. 13yo girl looks just like her mom, it's scary!

hey rory, nice reading ya! been a while. :)

hell yeah, like a fine wine, that woman has only gotten sweeter with time. on yahoo news this morning they had an article about her daughter, and a picture. 13yo girl looks just like her mom, it's scary!

hey rory, nice reading ya! been a while. :)

Is her daughter not married to Tony Romo? Think so,bet he hopes his wife ages,like her mom.
Dad always said,Look @ Momma the daughter will be real close when she ages.