Let's get drunk!!!

Some people can thrive on it some can't I've been vegan for over 3 years and I'm according to my doctor super healthy I don't take any supplements either some can't do it because of their bodies and some just don't do it properly either like they eat all processed junk kinda like people who just eat fast food all the time their meat eaters but unhealthy ones

So what's your stance on home raised meat? Is it the killing of animals period? or the factory farming inhumane stuff? We raised bees, chickens, steer, etc.
It's the killing and eating of flesh home raised or not
I would have liked that. It's hard to find good vegan recipes. Have you ever read Eat to Live? Excellent book

Sorry didn't see you answered me before. But stealing ? How is milk, eggs, honey stealing if there is a surplus? Oh well to each their own. Healthy should be the number one goal right?
I think processed foods create the biggest health problems. Tried the Paleo eating plan recently. HORRIBLE! People think veganism is restrictive??? Paleo made me feel so bogged down I could hardly move.
I was a vegan for 6months vegetarian for a year and I found I wasn't restricted when I went out, just gotta know what to look for aka a million sides. But it was an ill conceived plan to lay with Sunni because at the end of the day she still wouldn't eat my meat
I find vegan diet only restrictive when I go to a steakhouse to eat LOl
I have learned a lot about the differences between the two, thanks Sunni! I always wondered.. I guess I would fall under the vegan category back when I wasn't eating meat. I watched that film myself, couldn't eat meat weeks. Then my body started screaming (anemia as well) and my guts caved in. But that remains as the most enlightening film I've ever seen as far as animal cruelty goes.

Breaks my heart :(
I was a vegan for 6months vegetarian for a year and I found I wasn't restricted when I went out, just gotta know what to look for aka a million sides. But it was an ill conceived plan to lay with Sunni because at the end of the day she still wouldn't eat my meat
Damn that really sux's gotta up the game ....Im sorry But I'll eat bambi I have no problem with it I'm happy being on top of the food chain..Farmed on top of each other tho I dont like ....Freerange cattle all day
Damn that really sux's gotta up the game ....Im sorry But I'll eat bambi I have no problem with it I'm happy being on top of the food chain..Farmed on top of each other tho I dont like ....Freerange cattle all day
Agreed..I have access to free range cattle here ;) Gotta have my beef..seems to be the one thing my body has to have to get the iron and shit it needs. Nothing else will do it and I hate shots and pills more than anything.
I was a vegan for 6months vegetarian for a year and I found I wasn't restricted when I went out, just gotta know what to look for aka a million sides. But it was an ill conceived plan to lay with Sunni because at the end of the day she still wouldn't eat my meat
Oh please I see how you treat ya girls lol
How's the new gf doing ??? Hope all is well
How much ya getting for half a cow? I make the best peppercorn porter
Runs around $6/per pd. def on the high end for where I'm living, should be lower. Shits just gone thru the roof. I use a marinade borrowed from the local steak restaurant here..not the marinade itself, the recipe ;) lemon juice, pepper and dales seasoning..thought it would be weird as hell but it's quite tasty! I also use my dad's recipe, butter, garlic salt and salt/pepper. Simply perfect :)