Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
right on man thanks for the info, yea thats what i figure for now ill just water it every time i see drooping leaves, untell i can figure it out, even when i was using the drip system you can turn the drip up or down and wasnt sure if it was getting enough.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright a month into the grow..... been having problems with the water..... noticed that my drip system was not dripping every time for feedings it was cloged or somthing grrrr..... so no im maunal watering..... i noticed that they were drooping alot so i let them have two days of no water then gave them there first manual feeding of a 1 cup of water let they chill for a day then gave them another cup. I have been using a water gage to try and determine when to water witch i dont like using... not sure if its hurting the roots below.... well this afternoon the plants were looking realy good so i wanted to take pics and get a post up but had other things to do and now im just getting to it... well the leaves dont look as good as they did in the after noon... they were all perky and up...i checked the plants with the water gage and noticed they were around 6, 7 so there drying up ... i think ill let them go untell the morning or after work it shouldnt hurt them to dry out a little..... i am trying to get them on the same feeding times and looking like there not so droopy........i have also noticed that the branches are only like a inch or little bigger whats up with that grrr ....... one plant you can see by the pic is doing better then the other its spreading out alot better.....the other one is keeping together like a bush not spreading out so its realy making a bad canpoy for being so small and the oldest out of the two.......they are both from the same nug so they should both be the same type of seed or plant..... not to sure whats going on........any info good or bad let me know let ill take anthing that i can learn from....thanks for views and all the help


learing the ways

Well-Known Member
hey dude, she is still looking droopy i would give her a couple more days without watering, wait until she has perked up abit. also just because u have 2 same exact seeds doesnt mean the plants will grow exactly the same, because they have diferent phenos, so they can grow in neway.hope this helps

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
right on man thanks for the info,..... i have been letting them dry out now for three days on the afternoon of the 2 day they were all perky now there all droppy agian and the bottom leaves are getting realy yellow and so is the new growth it has a little yellow yikes :o...... how much water should i give them, and should i flush them with ph water no nutes ?? or should i keep waiting and let them keep drying out ??

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hey Learing the ways, I was looking into using computer fans to help my air flow how do you power them ?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
i was giving them 1/4 nutes... atm ?? whats that sorry .....they are in 7in tall 8 diameter pots with 4x4 rockwool cubes on the bottom with pellets, and there around a month old one plant is 4 inchs tall and the other is 5inchs.....gotta pic of how you wired that chager to fan ?? thanks for the help man i been needing some help :-P:leaf::lol:

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
hmm, im not 100% sure on wat it could be i will do some research an let ya know if i come up wid nethnk, i will get u the pic of the pc fan, once i finish sorting this silver kush plant out.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
right on thanks for the help...:weed:

Bug, sweet thanks for the link ill check it out....i read more now then when i was in school hahaha

Ill take some pics soon so you can check them out...... i noticed that durning the morning and night they droop and in the afternoon they perk up so im going to try and take pics all day today depending on if i work or not thanks for the help

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
tis tis bad bug hahaha....... dam work grrr just got home early day.... going to take some pics......plants are looking realy bad :cry: :cry: be back with some pics

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
here we go no water three days, 1 - really yellow bottom leaves and the tips of the new leaves are a little yellow 2 - really bushy branches are not growing away from the stem little yellow on the leaves ....... what should i do ????? oh yea and right now they look good compared to this morning and at night time .... for some reason i see the leaves look better in the afternoon ............... any help im here to listen thanks for watching the grow :weed:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
grrr i should beat all you well who ever saw my post since my last post ..... im glad i checked it my dumb ass didnt even post the pics grrr ... :wall: well here they are any help i need it...!!!!!


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright just got my WATER FARM :-P going to be keeping my mother plant in it and clone of her...... not to sure witch plant i should make my mother plant thoe any suggestions?? i wanted to buy two haha for both of my plants but really i only need one for the mother..... and this is going on Day 4 of no water and i was wondering if should transfer one of them now or wait and if i do transfer one should i not turn on the pump so it still drys out??? not sure what to do....trying not to loose them!!! if you can help i really appricate it thanks !!! The pics are numbered 1 or 2 the first 4 pics is 1 and last 4 are 2....let me know witch one you think should become the mother....... im hoping to put on as the mother for clones and one into flower when its ready, how much longer n veg i dont know hahaha

:leaf: Thanks to every one that is helping me!!!!! :leaf:

