Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Flower room update

7 days of flushing around 9 weeks into flowering

Alright my waterfarm sucks its not pumping the water up threw the drip ring any more even with clearex in the water, it might have gotten disconnected inside the but i cant take it apart so the plant will just have to take water from the res just doesn't get drips of water on top shouldn't hurt it to much.

Trichomes are still all cloudy and i don't see any amber really but my dam eye lashes get in the way grrr .... i even noticed that some of the trichomes don't even have a ball at top not sure it that matters or not its just like a trichome pistol. well 7 days into flushing and still no amber

What to do flush tell i see amber ??? or just flush another week and chop ?? or start back up on nutes ??

Veg Room now flowering Update

Flowering for 41 days

Alright hahaha waterfarm sucks same shit not sure what happened only thing i can think of is maybe a pellet or salt is blocking the tube grr.

I lost one of my Master Kush clones in my Aero Bucket, it was just to small. The roots didn't get big fast so it was fighting with the other plants for water, then it didn't get water so didn't grow big and was covered by a leaf canopy and just died off.

Cleaned up all the dead leaves on the bottom of all the plants

Everything looks the same so no need for pics. Hope everyone is still enjoying watching the grow, really appreciate all the help along the way. If theres anything you want to see or know or tell me i should change up hahaha i take all feedback always looking to learn something.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering where you were... glad to hear the plants are happy. I think the trich's without a head have just broken off, on your hands or the microscope or whatever, but I'm not sure.

About flushing, I think you should just keep flushing until you are done. I'm going to flush for at least 2 weeks. I know we have read that a long flush reduces yield, but I have also had a couple different people I trust say that is bullshit. So I wouldn't worry about a long flush messing anything up.

Also, those guys said the longer flush makes it taste better without a long cure. So it's good I think. But I'm a beginner like you so what do I know, haha.

Whatever you do, don't chop too early... you've done so much work, now get the most you can out of it. It's not like the extra flushing is going to mess stuff up. Patience daniel son, haha.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Right on man, i am glad you said that i was thinking the same thing just like to hear it from a few others before i make a final say. i know any info you give me is good man you do your homework before you talk about it so i know you always put me on the right path. I was just thinking if i stopped nutes to soon if i could have messed up the harvesting time. I believe that the trichomes will still turn amber with out nutes just might take a little longer now.

Oh yea and i remeber reading you were talking about cutting buds/fruit/nugs/colas hahaha whatever you want to call them before you cut your whole plant and i was thinking about a fruit tree when you said that and when i go clean up my fruit trees some fruit is ready and some are not so i believe this would be the same case. So all that said i believe your right getting the best buds would be cutting the buds when the trichomes around them are amber then check all the others and only cut the buds that have amber trichomes

Yea thats my thing man i want to chop but i know right now its to early grrr so i have to wait just not sure when they are going to be ready and i need to start finishing the grows up so i can get on the road. I figure all i need is to get the flowering drying then come back in a week or so then start drying the vegroom and start curing the nugs that are dry. I read that a month cure brings out the best in the buds still have to go back and read through all of that agian.

Whatever you do, don't chop too early... you've done so much work, now get the most you can out of it. It's not like the extra flushing is going to mess stuff up. Patience daniel son, haha.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Dam not sure whats going on just checked out my Vegroom and two top colas from the Afghan Kush all the leaves on top are closing up, right now its only two colas that are doing it, I tried taking some good pics so you can seem what i am talking about, just not sure what could have cause this and if its going to hurt my plant or not. If anyone has ideas i am all ears.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
dam dam dam just checked my flowering room.........

trichomes still all milky........

checked the water still has 1/4 full if not a little more going to let the plant suck up all the water tell the tanks almost empty then chop or add more flush water depending on the trichomes i guess .....

Almost all my leaves are turning yellow and are really droopy, i checked out some plant problems and they said this is normal but i have seen allot of pics of finished plants and they did not look like this. Not sure whats happening, getting to the point i just want the grow to be done, wish these dam trichomes would change or i might just chop it early i knows its all up to me hahaha but shit do i wait for amber or just say fuck it grrrr,

I have been doing some Reading and i found that some people shock there plant in this stage (witch i might have done) different ways you could shock, but if you do then it will slow down the flowering time and then the tirchomes will take forever to change, witch i think is whats happening to me not sure how i could have shocked them but only thing i can think of

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Dam i was watching Yardcrashers hahaha i think they were showing the epcot hyrdo farm they had and shit man give me a job there that looks fun working with all those plants, growing huge veg's and fruit shit here are some video if you want to check it out..... talk about a huge SCOG grows well shit almost every thing they grow is huge, i want to try and do a tomatto tree like that with one of my water farms




Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
are ur plants ok now hulk??

Not really sure man, i was checking out your grow and your leaves are looking like mine a little, mine are more yellow now and more droopy but the plant still has flush water and the rooms perfect i think 25 - 40 humidity, temps 70 - 85. The trichomes are still milky, so just checking the trichomes each day and watching my plant get more and more yellow,limegreen not sure whats going on.

Is there anyone hahahha out there that is still fallowing this grow that has chopped early, before the trichomes turned amber ?? and if so how was the smoke and the buds ?? I know if you wait tell amber its going to be the best but really how much different will it be ?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Dam, I am getting pissed over here always somthing going wrong.

Well been having my PPM meter and PH meter messing up on me, wasnt to sure about my last water change the numbers were different. Took me a while to get everthing to the right numbers, but i did get the numbers i was looking for so i just fillled up my DWC (glad i didnt fill all the water res tanks). I went to check on my girls today and the right corner were the DWC is all the leaves were way droopy all saging even smelt way different in there. Pics below show you. I had to wait tell my girl got home then i started working in the veg. Drained the DWC, filled with 1 gallon RO water 15ml Clearex, going to let that go for a hour or so. Getting ready to head down to my Hyrdro shop and get some PH calibrating solution i already took this PH meter in and they guys were cool helped me out, i hate bringing it back this will be the 4th time. I dont know why this meter keeps fucking up. As for the PPM meter i got it on ebay just talked to the guys and they said ship it to them and they will ship it fixed back or a new one, not sure what i am going to do tell then. awww anyways



Well-Known Member
Hey hulk... I think things still look good. I know the wait is killing you... it's killing me too.

If you want you should cut a little bud from somewhere it would be mature, fast dry it, and see what you think. Not like that will solve anything, but if you do that and you absolutely love the high, then chop em.

Also, I know some leaves are looking crazy, but the most of the leaves appear to be pretty good looking. It doesn't look like the whole plant is shutting down or anything, if it was and the trichs still weren't changing I would start worrying.

Sorry about the meters... that sucks.

EDIT: I just found this that thor said on another thread:

well, my fastest strain to be flowered, and done,. was about 6 weeks from 12/12, i had some take 11 weeks from 1st flower, total of 13 weeks. it is all in strain/genetics you are working with.

all i can recommend, is when you think it is really done, pick a lower bud, slow dry it for 3 days, in closet, and try it, and ask yourself, is it really done, i bet it isnt. 1 week can almost double the length the stone lasts, trust me. by doing it this way, to choose a harvest date you gain 3 days from testing the cut piece, and then, if you choose not yet, wait 7 more days, try again, this will be 10 days from 1st cutting your last taste. repete if needed 1 more time. you want some of the THC to change into the other helper canabinoids, CBN/CBT i think they are. you have to mature the crystal a bit, waiting 1 week to 10 days more really can be a big differance.

you will see it when it matures, your buds will swell up, the calixs will go into like a false seed mode, and the calexs will get 3x to 5x bigger all at once, the buds will look like they took a big breath, and swelled up. and about 50% to 75% of the hairs will have changed color, or shriveled up into its calex.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
right on man thanks for the info,

Yea i got some solution and got my PH meter back up and running witch i am really happy about. I moved the area i stored the meters at and the PPM display lasted long enough to get a reading so that made me happy to.

(Veg room)
Since my meters were working i added water to all res tanks, drained the DWC flush water and added nute water at lower ppm then last time.

I noticed that the very top of the colas and top fan leaves got really bad nute burn from that meter problem, i touch the top of the nugs and they fall apart so do the leaves well half of the leaf, the leafs stem is still green so i guess thats good i guess a green stem with a dead leaf

(Flower room)
I am going to go cut a small nug, trim it up, then find a place to dry it. Then smoke it after a few days see were i am at, i was just going to cut it down tomorrow morning but i think this is a way better idea, Thank you very much Jigfresh for that idea

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Flower room

Eh its not looking to good in there really yellow and everythings wilting, even some leaves are all burned up, eh



Well-Known Member
Flower room

Eh its not looking to good in there really yellow and everythings wilting, even some leaves are all burned up, eh
Don't know what to say about the wilting and all. I don't think it's too uncommon, I wish I could tell you for sure.

But man.... that's a nice looking little nug. You think that's like half a gram or something, just by looking it seems like that or a gram or something. Anyways... is that the first nug you ever cut of a plant of yours? That's fucking cool. I'm jealous.

One thing, when I picked up my clones I also picked up an eigth of Hindu Skunk, so I could see what it smokes like, and I can compare my harvest to it.

Awesome on the 'first harvest'.

I put your vid up.


Well-Known Member
Flower room

Eh its not looking to good in there really yellow and everythings wilting, even some leaves are all burned up, eh
Hey Nuggy Buddy. You would be surprised how ugly leaves can get towards the end of the plants cycle. It is normal for it to go yellow and wilt in the last few weeks that I have noticed. As long as the colas look good, keep doing what you are doing till the end. Also dont judge your bud until it has fully cured. That is when the flavor and thc is at its best. Good luck you are all most home dude.:joint::hump:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Anyways... is that the first nug you ever cut of a plant of yours? That's fucking cool. I'm jealous.

One thing, when I picked up my clones I also picked up an eigth of Hindu Skunk, so I could see what it smokes like, and I can compare my harvest to it.

Awesome on the 'first harvest'.

I put your vid up.
Nice man you always do a good job on your vidoes i will be checking that out next, Yea first fresh nug i ever cut off a plant dam i was like a little kid after i cut it man this feel so crazy i cant wait tell the plant is done, if i felt like this just off a little nug lmao i know i will be going nuts when i chop everything.

I have been doing the same thing with my Afghan Kush getting a gram here and there and tasting the starin, i will pick up another gram if i can find it near my curing stage compare them agian, its crazy that the nugs can be the same strain but taste and look a little different just how whoever grew it.

Hey Nuggy Buddy. You would be surprised how ugly leaves can get towards the end of the plants cycle. It is normal for it to go yellow and wilt in the last few weeks that I have noticed. As long as the colas look good, keep doing what you are doing till the end. Also dont judge your bud until it has fully cured. That is when the flavor and thc is at its best. Good luck you are all most home dude.:joint::hump:

Thanks man, i have been checking out other grows and pics, some people have nice fresh green almost all the way up to the chop but then i do see some peoples grows look like mine all yellow and wilting i read that it was normal i guess the nugs are taking all the engery to them, I just chopped a little to put me at ease, i plan on going on a trip soon so i wanted to be drying before i went but shit its not like i will be smoking this harvest on this trip so why rush, plus once i got that little nug in better light and was taking a really good look at it i know now its not ready, just by looking at the bud/nug you can see the top ofthe nug is actualy new and the bottom is older dark green red hairs at the top its just more white and lime green growth, grrr this is just going to suck if it takes another month to finish,

Oh yea i have been flushing for two weeks now.... is this ok to just keep flushing ???? Thats all i can do right now if i dont chop right, is flush, i should not go back to nutes at this point right ? hahaha

Thanks for all the help


Well-Known Member
From what I understand you are correct... you should not start the nutes again. And yeah, I was thinking about it last night after I posted and it makes sense for the buds to be sucking all the life out of the leaves... they think the end is near, so what is the point of leaves, just focus all the energy/ left over nutrients into the buds.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
hell yea, i will be adding more flush water tonight to my flower room and tugg on all my dead leaves see if they just fall off. It does not look good in there but thats just because of the leaves, nugs are still strong.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
*loves it* LOL

right on man thanks, this is just the learning grow i am really getting excited about my next grow i learned so much from this site, i am really happy i found rollitup and have found so many hhelpful people on here agian thank you to every one that has helped me