Well-Known Member
First off, you have to under stand something, "ditch weed" is cannabis ruderalis, its usualy 100% ruderalis, and has VERY LOW production of THC.
cannabis ruderalis=hemp. its a simple as that.
basicly, C.ruderalis doesn't produce enough THC or CBD to get you high. dont go and pick it, if you your headache and prove my point.
you gota look at it this way, whay isn't anyone else out there picking it? because those dumb enough to smoke it allready knows what it does.......
You haven't seen it, therefor you DO NOT know, so quit acting like you do.
the reason that nobody is picking it is because they probably aren't actively looking for it
dumb doesn't have anything to do with it. It may or may not be anything good, but who are you to say either way? It's like you're attacking the kid for wondering.